[center][img]http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/7/0/c/e/6/e70ce6cc54793c53a306ed247b8f01e01ddb0f32933d4dbb2c04fe02740d2324.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=brown] Krystan Mc'neil [/color][/center][/h1] Krystan nods listening to Conroy describe his home while taking a bite of her sandwich.When he asked about Sin city she could help but laugh a bit,"[color=brown]That's the strip. Its full of casino's and the hotels. New York-New York is there and all. But where I come from is trash compared to that.[/color]" She says taking a bite out of her sand which again. She smiles at his compliment about the sand which,"[color=brown]Thanks I told you I made good sandwich's.[/color]" She says chuckling. Krystan saw him smile at Raph and felt bad for him. Raphael was her baby, her bestfriend, and at times her rock. Krystan couldn't imagine losing him or him being lost it would break her heart."[color=brown] When was the last time you saw Bosco?[/color]" She asked. [@King Tai]