[color=aba000][center][h2]- Skubli - [/h2][/center][/color] [@DuthGuy] [@Heyitsjiwon] [@Jangel13] [hr] As Stegs floundered about the fish, Skubli took a more subtle approach. He grabbed a few smooth river stones and began stalking his prey. Once they swam near to Lothar, the runt threw the stone into the air and submerged himself in the water. He immediately swum at the fish, scaring it away from him. As the aquatic prey fled, the stone landed in the stream where Skubli had thrown it. It landed on the other side of the fish, trapping it between the stone and Skubli. Scared by both disturbances, the fish fled in the general direction that Skubli desired, however he could never seem to get it to work as he wanted, and as a result Lothar was not provided with very many targets. While swimming beneath the calm waters, Skubli heard a voice speaking above the waters. It was distorted through the waves, but before Skubli could surface, a brilliant glow entered the waters. Startled by the new development, Skubli dove to the bottom of the stream and hid himself within the rocks. Peering out, he could see a line of rainbow-fluorescent fish swimming through the waters, displaying a dazzling light that left Skubli awestruck. After what seemed to be an eternity, Skubli felt pain in his chest as he hadn't had any air to breath. Forcing himself to ignore his trepidation towards the new creatures, Skubli surfaced, inhaling deeply as he broke the water. After a small bout of coughing, he turned to the other Goblins, who also watched the fish. [color=aba000]"What are they?"[/color] Skubli couldn't keep a small quiver out of his voice, however he doubted the others noticed.