[center] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/9e8cd0e58fba129b34145bde3ed8d259/tumblr_inline_nysjiiy4JN1sdz8dl_500.gif[/img] I don't know why, but I've kind of been liking the idea of a love triangle / reverse harem idea. Anyone with me?[/center] Me and my expectations: [list] [*] [color=6ecff6]This will be over PM; it's easier for me to keep track of. That means one thread for OOC stuff, including plotting and just general chat, and one thread for the RP.[/color] [*] [color=fdc68a]I'm an adult with a life: I can reply at least once every other day (sometimes more, sometimes less) even if I may be online more frequently than that (I have other partners that deserve their fair amount of attention as well.)[/color] [*] [color=82ca9d]I am aiming for 2+ paragraphs per character that moves the story forward, and hope for at least 2 paragraphs from my partner. Sometimes this can be less, but I'd like us both to aim for about that.[/color] [*][color=bc8dbf] I won't say I have perfect spelling or grammar (spelling mistakes mostly when using my phone to post) but I will say I'm pretty decent. I expect the same from my partner (spelling being that I understand what word you were going for, grammar that I'm not getting frustrated because you keep using the wrong form of 'to' or 'there' etc.)[/color] [*] [color=f6989d]I prefer my partner is 18+. These may or may not involve smut (not just that we may or may not write it out, but even fade to black scenes may not really occur) but they may involve adult themes such as violence, physical and/or psychological abuse, harsh language, and...well...smut. I would prefer having a partner that can handle all these aspects. [/color] [color=ed145b]If you are under 18, please let me know because - ya know - I'm an adult and don't want to get flagged because of an RP.[/color] [/list] [center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/642518b821fb6b3b58f3a87981e069b5/z6qle5e/0uNn7myy9/tumblr_static_tumblr_mtmbpyblw51scr8d9o4_500.gif[/img] Still with me? I hope so... I would prefer to play the guys for the RP; no real reason other than preferring to play guys lately. Must be my NaNoWriMo-novel having focusing on the guy rather than the girl. So I'm looking for someone who can play a female. I don't care if you are female or not; all that matters is that you either can, or would like to play (because I'm okay with people that want to try their hand at playing one even if they have little to no experience with it,) a female. [hr] Okay, so, that's all out of the way. Here's a bit more: [h3][color=0072bc]Fandoms[/color][/h3] As far as this goes, unless otherwise noted, I'm looking for us to use OCs instead of the canon. They're mostly because I liked the setting and want to borrow it. Your OC can be based off the canon if you want, because mine will be in the ball park just filling the roles the canon sets. We don't have to do a reverse harem. I could be just a love triangle. I just want to RP with someone that is interested in romantic conflict. [color=82ca9d]Reverse Harem Fandoms:[/color] Dance with Devils Diabolik Lovers (I don't mind playing the Sakamaki characters if you are interested) [color=82ca9d]Non-harem Fandoms we could use:[/color] X-Men Evolution Harry Potter Percy Jackson Make a suggestion: I prefer supernatural/magical settings, and although I know there are a few other settings that could work, I can't think of other fandoms I'd be interested in doing. Worst I can say is that I'm not interested in that setting, right? (There are some fandoms I may reference later in here that I didn't post, mostly because I don't like their rules on demons/vampires whereas I like Dance with Devils and Diabolik Lovers because of their lore.)[/center] [hr] [center][h3][color=00a99d]Original Plots[/color][/h3] [hider= ~ Experiments] An organization has been developing a serum to alter human genomes, seeking to give humans superpowers. Highly illegal, they couldn't exactly ask for volunteers on which to test the serum. Their 'volunteers' are plucked off the street, with little care of family status and background. This is where our RP begins - with them waking up after the serum has been administered. [color=lightgreen]Note: Best for a love triangle/MxMxF. What kind of superpowers/alterations the organization wanted in the end game is something that will need to be discussed. Our characters can end up with different powers, but the end game kind of helps determine what kind of serum it is (i.e. animal genome splicing, super serum, random genetic modification using [some-kind-of-chemical]. Our characters can start off being absolute strangers, or have a history with each other. It's really up to you.[/color][/hider][/center] [hider=Other] [center][color=f7976a]Mostly just for the setting, but modern day but with supernatural elements (i.e. vampires, demons/devils, and magic.) [/color] [color=f49ac2]Or medieval fantasy (think DnD/Skyrim/Dragon Age/Witcher/other medieval fantasy setting reference)[/color] [color=f7976a]For Modern Day with Supernatural Elements: I'm thinking high school based, but we could set it in college, the work place, or even environmental *as in they live in the same building*. It's probably just my own opinion, but I think part of the element of conflict for the love triangle/reverse harem is the males having knowledge of one another.[/color] [color=f49ac2]Medieval Fantasy is more geared for a questing party.[/color] Options for characters:[/center] [list] [*]Human [*]Vampire [*]Dhamphir, (half-human, half-vampire) [*]Demon/Devil [*]Half demon/devil [*]Fallen Angel [*]Half Angel [*]Mystic/Magic User (can be innate and unknown to the individual where they believe they are human or they can be fully aware and able to use it...or the individual could have decided to learn magic but weren't born with abilities) [*]Were-animals (not limited to werewolves) [*]Mutants/Meta-Humans [*]Polymorphs (could end up landing under the Demon/Devil or Mystic/Magic User categories, but include dragons as well. They can change form at will, generally between two forms *true form and disguise form* but can have multiple forms.) [*]Faye[/list] [center]Plots: Pretty much just sandbox in High School or College (toss the characters in and let it unfold) They're assigned to be a team as part of an organization that has to do something or other *action type idea*. Office romance love triangle - though not entirely thrilled for an office romance sandbox. Could also do a survival thing too. Medieval: questing party, mostly. Could also work as a royalty thing - bunch of nobles competing for the princess' hand? Or She's a run away and is gaining a bit of a harem of protectors trying to help her. Or other idea that keeps escaping me.[/center] [/hider] [hr] [center]Man, I got a bit incoherent at the end, huh? Anyways, if you're interested, [color=8dc73f]please PM me with a small bit about yourself[/color] [color=7bcdc8](essentially if you prefer love triangle / reverse harem situation or a polyamorous *threesome type* situation, what level of casual you can handle, RP idea...Something more than just 'hi, wanna RP?') [/color]so I know at least a little about who is looking to involve themselves with me. I won't be checking this very often, so responses here may go unseen. [/center]