[@Dusksong][@LuckyBlackCat] [center][b][color=lightblue][h2]Vivian[/h2][/color][/b] Feyhollow[/center] [color=lightblue]20[/color] [hr] [color=lightblue]"I can't turn back now."[/color] Vivian says to her friends, still holding her petilil.[color=lightblue]"and that's alright, someone here needs to be brave and face that ekans again eventually."[/color] The girls suddenly walk into a foul stench, so bad Vivian dry reaches as she looks around confused. There in a iron cage not too far away was an angry skuntank. It was riled up and ready for battle. To the left, under a large tree was a pit trap like the one Vivian fell into before. [center][b][color=orange][h2]Azerus Jr[/h2][/color][/b] Feyhollow poke'center [/center] [i][color=orange]22[/color][/I] Azerus had finally done it, he had made the train. He had been following the tracks for the past few hours when a cargo carrier came charging by. Releasing Zubat to open a door and using rhyhorn to keep up with it, Azerus had found himself in a near empty container. Nearly empty. An elder thin scruffy looking man with a big bushy beard had already dibs'd the rusty container. He and his large Ursaring didn't want to share. Azerus tried to scan the bear Pokemon but his faulty pokedex failed him. His Pokemon were not fully healed and this big thing looked dangerous, none the less, he wasn't giving up his spot on this train. [i][color=orange]"Its on!"[/color][/I] [hr]([i]Journey to Atana Mountain Range-Fight on the train.[/i]) [hr] [hider=Azerus][u]TP:[/u][indent][b]15[/b] +1 (sunset post) +1 (league) [b]TP=17 [/b][/indent][u]INVENTORY:[/u][List][*]pokeball x3 [*]broken electric guitar and case [*]one set of dirty clothes [*]one set of rags [*]scraps of travel rations + supplies [/list][u]POKEMON:[/u][list][*]Roggenrola-4, injured/tired [*]Rhyhorn-3, hurt/tired [*]Zubat-2, hurt/exhausted [*]empty [*]empty [*]empty [/list][/hider]