[center][img]http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/7/0/c/e/6/e70ce6cc54793c53a306ed247b8f01e01ddb0f32933d4dbb2c04fe02740d2324.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=brown] Krystan Mc'neil [/color][/center][/h1] Krystan been one of the people out in the sides of the group along with Raphael who had walked obediently next to her. She was upset to find out about the whole gas situation knowing that the people that Krystan has come to know and loved will be dead. Krystan thought she could just try and stop it. She got her backpack along with her hunting rifle and her knife sheathed on her hip. Krystan traded her baseball bat for a Gerb Gator Bolo Machete that she had requested to have. She had packed her food ,including Raphael's treats, and some of her clothes she had gotten from staying the last 8 months.