[quote=@Metadude] I want to join this roleplay so badly, but I fear i'd be an incompetent Captain. If I were accepted into that role, what exactly would I be needing to do? I'm not as familiar with ship based RP's due to how few of them actually exist [/quote] Well, because this particular rp will be focused more on the dramatic aspect of things and the relations between the characters, you won't need to know much of the technical stuff involved in the job of a ship captain (not even I personally know very much about that, if we're being honest.) I'll mainly try to set up situations where characters will be interacting, so you'll be able to focus more on that, but other than that, you can just make periodic mention of how maybe the weather is affecting sailing conditions, or make a brief mention of an interaction that your character had with a crew member earlier that day. Basically, this is a long-winded way of saying that I'm sure whatever you do will be just fine.