Oliver jumped just a tiny bit when Sanguine was stepping out of the armoury at the same time as he was. She seemed pleased by his choice of equipment, but he just shrugged in response, not sure what to tell her. She explained that she'd arranged for their transportation home, and that sounded good to him. He chuckled when she expressed worry that their npcs might cause some issues. "Garreth and Jan will sort them out." he assured the guild leader. And if they weren't sorted out by the time they left, they would be sorted out thoroughly when they got back. "Ready when you are." he agreed, nodding, and gesturing for the vampire to lead the way. He figured it would be best to let the glorious leader lead the way. Plus he didn't mind the view at all, and thought it prudent to take advantage of such an opportunity since it had presented itself. It wasn't a long walk to the teleportation room, but it was definitely an enjoyable one for the Paladin. As long as his boss was in front of him, the Cleric was perfectly happy to follow. Of course, he paid enough attention to his surroundings that he could avoid being caught, should such evasive maneuvers be required. He hadn't put so much time and energy into training to be a peerless warrior just to be taken down by not paying attention. He wasn't so concerned about the vampire's opinion, since she seemed to like him at least as much as he liked her, but he didn't know how she felt about their underlings being aware of such shenanigans, and didn't want to upset her unnecessarily...