[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13] [hr] Lomen looked at Grandpa Goblin and nodded his head to show acknowledgement of the wisdom. He began picking out the yellow berries from the bunch he had gathered on his way home and sat down next to Grandpa goblin. Lomen presented the Alpha horned rabbit body and bowed one his hands and knees. [color=A9A9A9] "I know it is a lot to ask after being given advice about the berries, but please teach me how to skin this rabbit." [/color] In his previous life, Lomen had never before skinned an animal and as such had no experience with it. If he was to survive, it would be best to collect all he could from the area around him, be it wisdom, food, or materials. In order to become stronger and acquire more skills, Lomen believed that he would have to make as many good connections with those that are alive in the clan and strive to better himself as much as possible every day.