[h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [@ShadowKingman] [@PKMNB0Y] [@KoL] [hr] "You there, Berserkers! If you want to challenge anyone to a competition, I demand to take part on it. As a hero of the Age of the Gods, I cannot let pass on a challenge of athletics." Berserker blinked, wheeling around to locate the voice that had beat him to the punch in addressing the golden haired warrior. No less, it had jumped straight to the matter of things and challenged him as well! As he thought, when his eyes settled on the speaker it was none other than the fierce eyed beauty with the weasel ears, the Brynhildr of the ancient Danaans. Sinfjotli planted his mailed hands on his hips, the snow white armor glimmering in the light of the hall, and gave her a bold appraising look. He did not see how she could hope to match with him in most contests, their obvious physical differences aside. No doubt she was blessed by some queer god and was stronger and heartier than she looked, but then so was he. [color=fff200]"I accept any challenge given. Either by you or anyone else in this hall for that matter. But come! We must gather and agree on a contest in common."[/color] He turned again and pointed to his original target of challenge. [color=fff200]"What say you Golden Hair? If it's all the same we will let this fierce maid make sport with us! Though she may wish to pass on a contest of strength. Though that may go as well for you as for her, since in that arena I am contested by no one."[/color]