[Hider=CS]Name: Avienus Magnus Cassius (Avi for short) Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Height: 5’11” Weight: 174 [Img]https://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/15080101/img/http%3A--glycematefacts.com-zetaclear-/3de4f34b273c79de2f672790d5d55822.jpg[/img] Appearance: Avienus has a hard build and fair skin of someone who started his life as a sailor. The Stormcrack diviner’s dark hair is almost always swept back into a que to keep it out of his face and out of his way during his work. Avi’s eyes are grey and flecked with blue giving them the look of clouds. The beginning of crow’s feet from smiling and laughing have ringed his eyes giving him the look of a man who has lived well in a short time. The diviner maintains his calluses from his youth on a ship which now double as swordsman's calluses. Avienus face is a study in fine lines from a family that once meant something to Aquaria but now is just a fine face on a sturdy frame. Character Concept: Avienus Magnus Cassius was born a double affinity mage. Prior to his time in Aquaria; Avi spent much of his teenage years serving as a sailor on a ship. During the formative years of his youth he picked up the moniker: Stormcrack Diviner. An air and water mage Avi learned to pr3dict storms for his vessel. After this he returned to Aquaria where he took on the work of developing his magics fully. While Avi primarily focuses his efforts as a Diviner and fortune teller he has not lacked for progress and a competent battle mage and adventurer for those seeking the edge of someone with Avi’s rather unique skills. For those who met him after his time as a sailor most know him as Mistarot Magnus; one of Aquarius finest seers. Combat, Abilities and Skills: Seer: Avienus specialty is the ability to see the future as well as other places and occasionally the past. Much of this stems from a combination of water and air magic with which he earned his name the Stormcrack Diviner. Early on in his life Avi learned to predict storms and foul weather which eventually he learned to control as well as predict their coming. Following his return to Aquaria; Avi quickly picked up the ability to read Tarot which earned him the monicker Mistarot. Weather Mage: Avi’s expertise with water and air magic in combination has given him the powerful ability to call storms, lightning, fog and inclement weather as well as clear such weather when it is naturally occurring. The Knight of Gales: During his time in Aquaria Avi acquired his signature tarot deck and weapon of choice. A Tarot card deck composed of four suits that differ from the traditional suits but have corresponding reads: Gales (Wands), Squalls (Swords), Waves (Pentacles), Thunder (Cups). The deck itself is functions to hold several spell rotes but the deck also functions as a lethal throwing weapon. Supplementing his ability to throw the cards with deadly force; Avi is also a fantastic card player and cheap side show magician when it comes to card tricks. Shiprat: Carrying over from his time onboard a ship Avi is a fantastic gymnast and incredibly coordinated on the deck of a ship as well as on land. Blood on the deck: Avi is not a master swordsman but he is certainly an unorthodox swordsman as he is fully capable of wielding a cutlass in some of the strangest places: slippery decks, tight corridors and on steeps stairs. Harmonica: Avi plays a mean harmonica in addition to his other talents. Equipment and Inventory: The Mist Tarot: Avi’s deck of tarot cards are a flexible metal which utilize his air magic to make them perform strange curves and impact at blinding speeds. The deck also contains a few rote spells which Avi has stored so that they can be used quickly and almost instantly. Beyond the Tarot Avi carries a cutlass and a Tomahawk which is perfectly suited for both melee combat and as a close range throwing weapon. Both weapons have been with him since his time on board the Green Damsel. Beyond that he carries a few items for adventuring a his functions as a seerer. Other: [Url=https://youtu.be/yp3UeCguVVI]Theme[/url] Sample Post/Introduction: Avi crouched in a hallway in the a building on the outskirts of Aquaria. It was in the older section of the city where people came to hunt for treasures. A Diviner’s cross was spread out in front of him and the last Heir of the Cassius line carefully studied the cards turned over in front of him. What the mercenaries were looking for was definitely here and probably in the catacombs beneath the building. The buildings in the mansion complex were old enough to be built closer to the tunnels but it still didn’t mean that the item was absolutely here. Footsteps echoed down the hall behind him and he carefully collected up the cards. Tucking the deck into its case he turned to look at the man coming down the hall. Hannigan, an older mercenary with a lattice work of scars on his left cheek. It was Ilantian islander scoring; a form of torture but given that it was only on part of Hannigan’s face there was no doubt he'd escaped or been rescued before the true art had begun. “What do the cards say Mistarot?” Avi shrugged. “It's here alright but I don't think we should be searching the mansion. I suspect whatever it is that Alister is after will probably be in the catacombs. Hannigan nodded as if this was not unexpected. The Diviner had taken this job not knowing what the item was because the Black Basilisk Guild had offered to pay double his usual rate if he would take the job not knowing what they were after. All things considered it was a sketchy offer at best but he needed the coin. Drawing air magic through the corridor he let the current drift over his fingers as he checked on the others using the displacement of air from their movements to pinpoint them. “We should get a move on.” Hannigan nodded and grunted in affirmation and the two started towards the group of mercenaries returning from their search[/hider] I'll format it pretty when it's moved to the character tab