[@December] [@Jangel13] [@Heyitsjiwon] [hr] While the rainbow colored fish were pretty, and their scales would no doubt be useful for making jewelry if they ever felt like it, the setting sun made Stegs nervous. Wanting to avoid any more injuries to himself and any injuries at all to the other two he wondered if they should back to the cave. Staying out at night might be doable after they had gotten stronger. Besides though he hadn't taken the time to see how many fish Lothar had speared he was sure it would be enough to convince Grandpa to look at his injury and hopefully leave some food over for themselves. If it wasn't Stegs would try and make sure the other two at least would have something to eat since they went through all this trouble on his suggestion. [color=39b54a]"Don't know, pretty though. Still it might be better to go back."[/color]