Sasha gripped the strollers handles tightly, finding herself terrified. She hadn't even been afraid staying in front of the walkers what seemed like a lifetime ago. Then, she'd had nothing to lose. she had Matt and Grace, babies on the way, people she cared about. She didn't know if she could cope, losing anyone. She constantly checked on Grace, making sure the girl was alright, the pack she had insisted on taking, filled with medical supplies she wasn't intending on losing, was drapped over the strollers handles. She constantly looked about them, wishing they could have had just a little bit more time in the school, but knowing that that wasn't going to do her any good. A bullet shooting through the air caused her to just about jump out of her skin. Three more in quick succession followed, and suddenly groups of walkers poured out of four houses. Sasha gave a cry, reaching for her gun, even as she stood in front of Grace, shaking slightly, her gaze whipped around, landing on a retreating figure, ducking as they moved out of sight on the roof of a house opposite the four just shot at. Jacklyn.