[color=hotpink][h2][center]♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥[/center][/h2][/color] [color=hotpink][h3][center]Location: Feyhollow Town[/center][/h3][/color] [@Dusksong] [@Dark Light] [color=hotpink]"Well,"[/color] Ella replied, thinking over her favourite cafes and restaurants. [color=hotpink]"There's Doll House Delicacies, I say that one's the best here."[/color] Some people found the fact that it used to be a doll museum creepy, but the food there was always good. A disgusting smell drove all thoughts of supper from her mind. Clamping her hand over her mouth and gagging, she looked over in alarm. A few feet away from the group was an iron cage. From behind the bars, a Skuntank glared out at them. [color=hotpink]"I... I don't know,"[/color] Ella responded to Leisy, wishing she had a better answer. She frantically tried to come up with ways to help the trapped, terrified Pokemon, but right now, had no idea. [hider=Ella] [b]TP:[/b] +1 (27) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Trubbish (Treasure), female, lv4 [*]Ekans (currently unnamed), male, lv2[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1[/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 (26)[/hider]