*Nihilus takes a deep breath, and looked the new arrival straight in the eye, and it sends shivers down his spine* [i]Red eyes, white hair,... cloak. Crap.... What kind of mess did I get into.[/i] *As the cloaked figure run away on the rooftops, Nihilus empties the 4 remaining bullets in his revolver trying to hit his legs. No luck sadly.* [i]Tch. Running after the guy is futile. He can use magic and is far more mobile than me, and my backpack makes me even slower. But... who is that guy? Damn... I need some answers. White hair and red eyes usually are signature appearances of vampires. But.. he should've burnt in the sun if that was the case, even with the cloak. So... he's either an eccentric albino or a half-vampire, and I'm going to kick myself if it's the former. If I'm getting entangled in this mess, I need more information. Now how do.... Oh... the dead person. I almost forgot about him in the confusion. He has to have some details about the situation on him.[/i] *Nihilus gathers his wits, and quickly reloads his revolver. 2 seconds: record time. While he does this, the other bounty hunters storm off after the running figure on the rooftops. Nihilus then walks towards the presumably dead man* [i]Strange, I've never known a man to die due to 2 gunshots to the leg. *Nihilus frowns* Are you actually dead or are you playing dead?[/i] *Nihilus holsters his revolver, and unsheathes his katana, and looks closely at the man to see if he is alive. Not having noticed anything at a distance, Nihilus moves nearer to the downed man and crouches beside him, while getting ready to strike with is katana. Then he checked the man's pulse to determine if he is still alive. Indeed he is, but he is unconscious and is steadily bleeding out.* [i]He's only knocked out. Good. I better get this guy some emergency medical aid, or he's going to bleed to death.[/i] *Nihilus sheathes his katana, grabs him and quickly brings him to the entrance of the Bounty hall. There he lays the unconscious man by the wall, removes his backpack, and takes his medical kit out. Nihilus, cleans the man's wounds using Anti-septic, and covers his wounds with bandages to stop the bleeding.* [i]He's going to need some advanced medical care if he needs those bullets out, but for now, he's stable. I can interrogate him later. Maybe the guy who put the bounty out can help as well.[/i] *Nihilus then starts frisking the man from top to bottom, searching for something to give him a clue about the guy.*