[color=cyan]"It's good to see all of you again."[/color] Gerard smiled underneath his helmet and gave Riley's shoulder a quick pat in response to the hug. [color=9e0b0f]"It's good to see you as well, Riley." [/color]the Spartan said in a soft gentle voice. His stance relaxed. The fact that his 'brothers' and 'sisters' were all coming together again put him at ease. He never felt so isolated and exposed when he was without them. But, those were darker times and he had so much to look forward to with Rogue Seven coming back together. [color=00aeef]If there are any questions, I will do my best to answer them before we depart."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Striker Commander, this seems to be a cloak and dagger Op. Why do we require the [i]Orion[/i]? From what I have heard, and not much, it seems to be a heavy class ship. Don't you think it'll turn a few heads?"[/color] He encircled the holo-table, his eyes darting between his teammates. His foot steps were heavy and echoed slightly. He stopped shortly before Andromedai. The Spartan stood silently, unable to find his words. He wanted to ask what if Solares was dead, but instead he continued encircling the table. He knew losing a Spartan would be a big impact of morale all across the UNSC. ONI's Directive 930 was revoked some time ago, revealing the status of all Spartans. These super-soldiers remained super, but the title of immortality faded. In his head he thought, [i]Spartans never die[/i]. Carly entered, a sight for sore and weary eyes. [colour=6B8E23]"I have no questions, But if possible I would like Nessalla to Send me the latest basic medical forms for the strike team, recent injuries, and all that jazz, The standard procedure,"[/colour] [color=9e0b0f] "Well, Carly, I did pull a muscle on my way here, so if you'd like to take a look at that, be my guest."[/color] Wulff jested. He made his way over to her. His voice was but a whisper,[color=9e0b0f] "You were missed."[/color] His voice seemed shaky and sorrowful, but peaked right back up to it's gruff and low tone. [color=9e0b0f]"But, about that muscle, it is killing me. I am not going to do this mission with a pulled hamstring."[/color] He stated with a coy grin.