Bea nodded slightly in her concentration of flipping through to see if she could find that little symbol again. “Vaguely,” she said offhandedly almost. “I don’t recall most of my father’s friends surnames unless they were type to insist being called by them. Most of them, who were any close to my father, asked that I called them uncle and their Christian name” She looked up at him then, smiling a little bit. “And people move. So it’s the best as we have and as thus, we’ll look into it. Even if we’re wrong and he isn’t the source of the package, he might know something more than we don’t.” Something that wasn’t covered over with nostalgia and the film of youth. “Besides,Glasgow is not that far, especially if we go by air. Even a train wouldn’t be too terrible.” She stood then, rather suddenly. She knew that there was more to find in the notes and letters and so many other things to go through. But they had something now and she was actually little excited about this now. “Do you happen to have any connections that would be willing to take us up to Lowlands?” [center] 《》 《》[/center] Rebeca felt a flash of anger in her chest. He was trying his damndest to place blame elsewhere. To not admit that he was wrong. Everyone was wrong now and again. And sometimes other people told them so before it could happen. But to accuse Estella of tampering with something, and then to not say it out right, but still accuse Rebeca of lying was not alright. “How dare you,” she started, stepping forward only one step before Will caught her wrist in his big hand and pulled her back. “You aren't the captain here, Becs,” he said softly to her, pulling her closer to his side. “She does have a point though. As I'm sure you know, the issue is you not having looked into it. I'm going to let you fix it though.” And all that was, was a promise that he'd be employed through the fix, not necessarily any further.