[center] [img]http://www.brandtdesigngroup.com/images/SaintMarysProRadiology/StMarys31.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] Troy Military Academy is an institute created to prepare patriotic individuals to join the United Conglomerate Sectors (UCS) Military. Equipped to train approximately 300 soldiers at a time, the facility usually averages around 250 students, allowing a smaller atmosphere and better personal training from the instructors to the trainees. The academy trains students, age seventeen through and up, over the course of 18 months, to perform advanced firearms procedures, first through third level hand-to-hand combat training, urban and wilderness survival techniques, and other skills of priceless use in the service of their country. The trainees are divided into squadrons. There are 24 squadrons, each with a maximum of 12 trainees. The squadrons are named after a letter in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, AKA, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. Throughout the course, the squads will compete against each other in training exercises called "War Games." This game will focus on the members of Whiskey(W) Squadron. Over the length of the training, students will be instructed through three sections of learning, each divided into the six months. The first section includes basic skills that are taught by standard military training, while expanding on it as well. The second and third section of training teach advanced techniques and procedures, while touching back on the previous section(s). At the end of the year, a final exam of sorts will be given to fully test every skill learned over the 18 months spent in the program, and will not be easy in any way. Students will fail if not properly ready for the exam. [hr] This is my overall idea, and I'm more than willing to take suggestions for changes and revisions if you have any. Let me know if you're interested. I'm looking for about 7-9 players before I put the OOC up. Potential CS:[hider=Character Sheet] Please pick a color for your character's dialogue. Name: Age: (17-35) Sex: Appearance: (A picture or description is fine, but anime will be automatically denied) Personality: (Try to list at least 3 good points and 3 bad) Skills: (What are some things you character is good at? This doesn't have to be military/combat related. It can be knitting or guitar or something like that. Please be realistic.) Background: (I ask for at least 2 content-filled paragraphs) Other: (Optional. Anything you want to add? You can put a theme song here if you want.)[/hider]