John hummed to himself, having not much to say to the others. He did not know what his greatest kill was, it was so hard to tell if his rain of plasteel or one of his comrades killed the enemies that were approaching them. Besides, over the great time fighting he did not remember all the various greenskins turned into a thin red mist thanks to him. Besides, he was busy praying and repeating his thoughts of the day. He had only forgotten one of the many thousands of them this time, and made a careful mark with his Cadian patter mono-knife (keeping the funny thing they were issued among his other gear) upon his arm, the blood drying quickly. He rolled up his sleeves, and put on his gas-mask, tightening it and taking a few experimental breaths. Satisfied, he let the barrels of his heavy-weapon spin quietly. They would deploy soon and John would return to his usual cycle: blasting a his enemies, running out of ammunition, and then charging forth to disembowel them hoping none of them were quick or strong enough to end him in the process. It was at this point he noticed his hands shaking once more. With a groan he reached in his pocket for some of the combat drugs he managed to procure. There were many, but he grinned at the sight of his favourite; frenzon. He let the stuff go into his vains, and then stared at his arms which were finally still. Then he slowly started to breath, giggling a little madly. The enemies of man would not see the face of who ripped out their spine and head to use as a morning star to hit their friends with. It was going to be a delight, serving the Emperor in the best way imaginable. Feeney just hoped that they would get into the fight soon, his knuckles were itching, not to speak of his trigger finger. His grunts began to get more frequent, his scarred arms while not shaking would rise up and down with the heavy breathing getting faster and faster. He was looking forward to it so much. Perhaps even, he could end up getting the Emperor's peace today. He now let the barrels of his weapon spin freely at full-speed. He did not know of the enemies he would have to face, and the great restraint from charging he would have to find within himself.