How would the Commander handle a few soldiers, he wondered. Last they had seen Viral he was in a pitiful state as always and being sent off to do battle against the Princes, that had been some time ago. Seeing him now it was evident the man was in better shape than before, and no small amount of venom came from the words he spat. "Handle the dirty work? You have it all wrong Viral," the Elite laughed as he lowered himself onto the road, "My men do most of it because I'm [i]terrible[/i] at holding back. I tend to kill whatever I fight and His Majesty doesn't always demand we kill, so it makes things difficult for me. However he gave no such restriction today which means I'll fight you myself. Besides..." Another crowd of soldiers came racing in from not too far off, their numbers slowly increasing, "There are more then enough men to entertain your friends. So how about we settle this?" No wasting time posturing, no slowly building up his power and toying with Viral. He'd kill the man here and now and be done with it. Unleashing his Ki and letting it surge to its limit the ground at the Elite's feet burst apart, a swirling vortex of energy turning the air around him into a violent storm that sent rubble flying around, nearly striking several of his troops. With a sneer the Elite lowered himself slightly and rushed right at Viral, arms lifted over his head and swinging down trying to hammer him into the ground. Yumi wanted to help Viral fight, worried that an Elite might be too dangerous for any one of them to take on. But she wouldn't have the luxury of lending a hand, there were far too many enemies to deal with. Not only that but a handful were dressed in armor similar to that an Elite wore, and while not Saiyans themselves she assumed they must be high ranking, and in turn powerful too. They weren't pulling any punches if multiple Elites had been sent after them were they? Clicking her tongue in annoyance Yumi picked out the first and closest Elite she could find, dashing right past a group of ordinary soldiers to get after him. A smaller man covered in orange fur with a long snout and clawed hands, nothing like anything she'd ever seen before. Throwing a straight punch at him to test him out she grit her teeth when her fist hit his chest and he didn't budge, promptly flipping backwards to avoid being smacked aside. With surprising speed he was upon her and she jumped up to avoid being kicked, flipping again and bringing her leg down in an axe kick that shattered the road on impact but missed him by a fair margin. So he was moderately fast then, so much for an easy fight. "The King must really be running out of troops if he's sending nobodies now," Kabocha quipped, squaring off against a blue, gilled-humanoid. Now here was an odd looking alien, large yellow eyes, gills, what he assumed were some kind of dorsal fins on his arms and a tail to boot. Shouldn't this freak be in water? Letting the Elite make the first move he watched on confused as the man refused to move, wondering why in the world they weren't doing anything. When the Elite tilted their head to the side and emitted a strangle bubbling sound he felt a chill run up his spine followed by the sound of stone crashing down, turning to see a large piece of pipe hurtling towards him. Flying into the air to avoid it he watched awestruck as it halted itself, a purple glow engulfing it before it flew up towards him. "What the hell?!" Firing off a Ki blast he blew it into pieces and was stunned when the shards continued on their path, dashing away to avoid being torn to shreds by them. What in the hell was going on? Looking back at the man below he got his answer: the yellow eyes were now glowing an ominous purple, and wherever he went the man followed with his gaze. A telekinetic, now that was annoying. Leto wasn't facing off against an Elite though he had plenty of trouble himself. Instead of a single powerful soldier a group of four came at him all at once, clearly trying to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. On a typical soldier such odds might spell doom to be facing so many foes and yet for him it was little trouble. His size, massive compared to them, and experience made fighting a small group the same as a single opponent. Catching the leg of the first soldier to attack him he reached out and caught the arm of another, bashing them together before hurling them aside into buildings. "I will defend my homeland! None of you will harm another Lioman as long as I'm here!" Leto shouted, charging after one of the nearby soldiers. The man tried to take flight and escape but was quickly enveloped in Leto's grasp, bear-hugged as he was driven back through a wall and only released thereafter. The fourth soldier tried to use the opportunity to land a shot on him but it barely phased the Lioman, and swinging a trunk like arm backwards Leto smacked the man in the head, shattering their visor and sending them flying. Another four soldiers were upon him in no time however and he began doing his best to fight them off. He refused to let any of these people beat him, Lioma's future could ride on their battle here. ----- "O-Oh, yeah the scouter... Or I could try to l-learn your language too," Haku replied with a small smile, "I mean... You learned ours, so it's only f-fair I try learning yours, r-right? And I have a guide right now, you. T-Though I guess if we travel somewhere you've n-never been then we m-m-might be in trouble." Nice as this world was he'd prefer to not get lost on it given how expansive it was. Still he would love to get to see more of it, he'd never seen any planet quite like Kaesstra. Even from the atmosphere he'd noticed just how varied and colorful the entire planet was, there had to be so many new and exciting things just waiting to be seen. Traveling may have to wait a while though until T'charrl was able to figure out what was happening with him. Haku thought they could be rid of the orbs and be done with it but apparently doing so would kill the spirit within T'charrl. Why was the spirit so important, and why was T'charrl willing to suffer for its sake? Losing abilities might be a downside but T'charrl must have had something before he'd changed, what was so bad about going back to that? Haku opened his mouth to pose the question but was quickly silence as Yusef spoke instead. "There may be a way to look yourself and keep the spirit, who knows. We'll have to look into it more to find out," Yusef smiled as he spoke, turning heel and beginning to walk from the tree, "We'll get to that, there's still so much for you to see! I wanted to show you some of the amazing things Katas has developed for us! We have this new vehicle, I think Vegeta called it a "monorail"? I'm still not sure what we're building it for but it's astounding, wait until you see it!" As it happened the project site was not a terribly long way away either, a few blocks and they were there. At the site of an old building there was now a tunnel and a set of stairs leading into the ground, a domed building over the stairs to cover them from the elements. Several machines were sat around the entrance and out of use and a handful of Kaesstrians could be seen coming and going, all dressed in some manner of work gear. "It's a vehicle that travels underground at high speeds, we'll be able to use it to safely connect with neighboring kingdoms, without fear of the wildlife attacking us. And we're being extra careful to avoid the root systems of trees, they're dug deep enough the roots won't reach. I'd show you inside but it's off limits for the time being, until they finish the tunnels." ----- Getting hissed at... Now that was a new one. What was Shu, a cat? Takeshi put his hands up in resignation and continued following the others along to the game, wondering why in the world they were doing this instead of the tournament. He figured that was later but they could still go check out the arena, get a feel for it and maybe an idea of who else was competing. But where they weren't supposed to trigger Shu he supposed they probably weren't doing that anyways. "I'd guess you get one of those if you win Shu," the older boy pointed out, a large board beside the game itself. There were plenty of things from festival clothes to toys and a few items Takeshi couldn't even begin to pretend he knew what they were. It all had to be kids stuff though right? "One of us will keep count for you buddy, all you've got to do is throw and try and hit them. Easy, you know?" Seeing as they were next up Takeshi stepped forward first and asked for just one of the balls, showing it to Shu with a smirk. "It's easy Shu, just look at what you want to hit and throw, you should hit it then. Nothing to it really." Looking at the furthest target, the 5 pointer, Takeshi gave the ball a lob and easily struck what he was aiming for, motioning for the woman manning the game to hand over all of them. "Go for it buddy."