It was alredy dark when the party finally reached it's destiny. It had been a calm trip. Whenever a member of this newly formed group thought about starting a fight, a soothing hum would come from the mage's leader and as quickly as the an orc could decapitate an elf the violent thoughts would stop. That's not to say that the short journey happened without any problems. ARRRRGH! Decapitated a few ghouls who where gnawing on a auroch's bone. Bob managed to piss off an entire caravan of traders by insinuating that his worse piece of work (as if he had any) was hundreds of times better than their finest products, the situation did not escalated much more due to the intervention of the now familiar hum, bringing a short lasting peace once again. Now they were in front of a huge building, it's stone walls lit by a full moon. All around them, hundreds of small shacks covered the dirty ground, with it's inhabitants peeking through the windows or, in a more common scenario, through fallen pieces of it's walls. The robbed group approached the door, which seemed to magically open. The party once again followed the group, entering into a well lit hall. Torches covered the walls and a red carpet complemented the warm light coming from the fire. It felt safe, robust, and HOT. Way too hot, actually. As soon as the doors closed, killing the sweet breeze which came from outside, the members who were able to started to sweat. An overwhelming smell of smoke quickly filled the room, alarming the party. The group of mages, seemed indiferent and kept advancing towards a stair. As the party followed, they noticed many doors spread through the building, all of them closed. As they reached the stairs, they found the source of the smoke. A blue fire was burning in the middle of an empty room, turning the suffocating red aura of the place into a chilling blue one. The place seemed empty and devoid of life and, as soon as the group reached the bottom of the stairway, the reason became quite apparent. An awful smell of rotten fish, bile, and fruits filled the room. It was horrible, even by this city's standarts. The mages did not cared. A pair of Dark Elves carried the half-elf's body stretching it across the blue flames. His body was not burned. Instead a blue-ish glow was spreading through his body, as if the flames were burning him from inside out. A third mage, much more leaner and smaller, carried Stride's head, and placed it where it should be. From the corner of the room, a small shadow moved towards the body. It's green body naked and bathed in a black oil. The small body, the big head and the point ears denounced it's race: a goblin. However, the thick black oil covered so much of him, that it was hard to determine it's sex or anything else. The goblin carried a wooden bowl, which contained more of that oil. It was clear by now that the oil was the origin of the putrid smell. As the goblin moved towards the body, the oil dripped to the ground, revealing his face. It was clearly a male, and an excited one at that. An oversized smile on his face showed the rotten teeth left on his mouth. With every other step, a small spasms would shake his body, making him spill some of the oil to the stone ground. The goblin approached the mage's circle and stood by the body, looking at the mages, as if expecting his next order. At this point, the party had spread itself through the room, choosing positions that would allow them to view the ritual through the wall formed by the mages' bodies. Those who were not paying attention, felt suddenly drawn to the mages once a harsh chant begun. Their voices became much harsher than the party remembered. The fire slowly died out, with Stride's body glowing brighter and brighter. At this point, the goblin begun to drop the oil on top of the elf's body. However, instead of sticking to it, as it happened to the goblin, it would turn into a pitch black smoke and dissapear in the air, leaving an even worse smell in the air. As the chanting turned louder, the room became darker. So dark that one could not see the walls or the ceiling or the floor. The only source of light was Stride's body. The whole thing felt surreal, as if they were stuck in the void, between life and death. Suddenly a loud sound of drums sounded, as if coming from where once were the walls. The small goblin begun to dance a dance of excitement, ecstasy, and madness. The spasms shaking violently his body at every move, sometimes ruining his joyful steps. At this point, it was clear that the goblin was naked. Partly due to the amount of oil that had dripped from him, revealing his mold green skin, partly due to an easily visible hard on. The goblin jumped and screamed as he danced, using delicate and elegant steps at one moment and right afterwards doing libidinous moves with Stride's dead body. The chanting went on for a few minutes longer, backed by the the earshattering drums. They sounded as if the God of Thunder were casting lightining in the corner of the room, shaking the ground. With a sudden movement from the tallest mage, everything stopped. The chanting and the drums gone. He moved foward and grabbed the little goblin by it throat, pulling him away from his surreal ecstasy with a single hand. What was in a first moment confusion in the goblin's face, quickly turned into terror as a blade appeared in the mage's other hand. It's cold and bright steel constrasting with a hand covered in dark fur. [color=fff200]"NO! This... You did not told me THIS! NOOOOOOOOOOO--"[/color], a quick flash, lit only by the cold blue light coming from the body, and the goblin was silent. It's blood, colored black by the blue light falling over the body. This time, the liquid did not turn into smoke. The room was clear once again and everyone felt as if they had just woken up from a very vivid dream. [@Banana] The ritual was complete. In the spiritual inn, a door opened. However, instead of showing the street, only a blue light came from it. It was up to Stride's to gather his courage and step through it. Stride was finally back to the living world, and he came back screaming.