[center][img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/e3427f0d26a94716b65a96f0910f51bf.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZmZmZmZi5UV2xqYTJWNUlGUnlhWE5wYm5OcmFTQSwuMAAA/allema.demo.png[/img][/center] [center][quote=Frida Kahlo]I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.[/quote][/center] [center][h1]BASICS[/h1][/center] [center]N A M E mickey trisinski A G E 30 R O L E the widower G E N D E R cisgender (she/her) S E X U A L I T Y pansexual B I R T H P L A C E baton rouge, louisiana[/center] [center][h1]APPEARANCE[/h1][/center] [center]H E I G H T 5'11 W E I G H T 131 lbs. E Y E S brown H A I R black, stops halfway down her back and is often straight. R A C E black/african-american B U I L D slender ; ectomorphic A T T I R E Often - despite the social conventions that come along with women's attire especially when taking into account that of a black woman - Mickey prefers the comfort of suits seeing as her height makes it much more simplistic and comfortable. The woman has an affinity for darker hues and rarely ever wears something that could be more than what she possesses in her wallet. With modesty comes a certain elegance although it can be somewhat discreet when one is thinking of Mickey.[/center] [center][h1]IN - DEPTH[/h1][/center] [center]P E R S O N A If you were ever to find someone as odd as Mickey Trisinski then you should be certain to never doubt another's abilities to go beyond that of the terminology that is "weird." Stuck between having a stick deeply embedded into her posterior and an air of indifference, one can never quite place their finger on what type of strange Mickey seems to border in between, resigning themselves to never knowing at all. When speaking with the woman, you may find yourself receiving more questions than answers which can altogether lead to a lot of unwarranted statements and befuddlement. Mickey finds pleasure in speaking in riddles, confusing the other as a result and providing an exit for her seeing as the woman isn't always one for socialization. It is not as if people are simply too much of a bore for her it's just simply that the woman does not correctly know how to carry on a proper conversation with another seeing as her past experience with others have always carried a negative connotation about them. If one were to take time to listen to Mickey and if one were to have enough patience (God bless) then a sense of intellect and concealed kindness within the many, [i]many[/i] layers of cold nonchalance would be a pleasant change enough for a possible companionship. Truth be told, a weight hangs upon Mickey's shoulders since the unfortunate incident of her wife: Guilt. A simple yet ominous reminder that the circumstances are still against her favor. That she will never be the same person again. That it was all her fault. Mickey carries this and much more, still deciding to face the world head-on as an unspoken dedication to her dead lover and a monument to that of her ancestors. After all, it is a hardship being who she is currently she isn't one to complain rather to act instead. L I K E S +fresh rain +velvet +old books +origami +isolation +puzzles (riddles) +the sea D I S L I K E S -confined spaces -stuffy people -vulgarity -being stared at -contact that she does not initiate first -being constantly asked questions -condescension -racial slurs F E A R S *ropes (for a good reason) *fire *woods (she refuses to go into any kind of wooded area)[/center] [center][h1]ADDITIONAL[/h1][/center] [center]T H O U G H T S Althought Mickey is not entirely pleased to be venturing anywhere without the company of her....previous spouse, she will not deny the excitement of seeing something new and leaving the confines of her home. B I O coming soon. T H E M E [hider=don't wish me well]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3gNFtRwWAU[/hider] [hider=see you there]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om8tqnmVZ2g[/hider][/center]