[@Nariata] What's the name of the village? [hider=Storage]Susanna stood apart from the Glamhoth warriors as their leader Hrossbjorn spoke to his people. Most of it was in their native tongue which Susanna only knew a few words of and the stuff that was spoken in common wasn't really worth hearing. [i]'Idiots and barbarians.'[/i] "Silence." Susanna murmured under her breath. In the last year she'd become adept at speaking so quietly that only her own ears could hear. It served her as the demon buried in her soul did not share thoughts with her mind. That mercifully was still her own. [i]'You know it be true dearie. My people bend to the power of the Mad King. What is this little Glamhoth army compared to that?'[/i] "Almost nothing but there is some safety in numbers." [i]'Which comes at the price of speed. On your own you could move threefold this army.'[/i] In what her life had become there was nothing Susanna hated more than when the demon inside her made a more reasonable argument than she could. Why was she still with this unit? As Lilith had said she could move much faster on her own, with her father's sword enchanted to repel magic as well as the demonic abilities that she loathed to use protecting herself wasn't exactly difficult. So if she didn't need their protection and they were slowing her down why was she still here? The simple answer, it was more comfortable. Not that anything this close to the front lines was truly a comfort but being in this group meant that Susanna didn't have to sleep with one eye open, didn't have to watch her rations carefully. She could relax if only a little. The Glamhoth people at least she was comfortable with. They may have been a barbaric and savage people but they had their own form of honor which at the very least meant they wouldn't stab her in the back, at least not until they found out what she was. As for the others that was a different matter. Among their number was one of the Sunset Islanders. Susanna had never been to their land and had very sparse dealings with their people. The real problem that this particular woman was a Purification Mage. Someone who's job it was to keep a balance between light and dark arcane forces. In this day and age where the gates of the underworld had been ripped open that balance could only be restored by exterminating dark forces. Forces like Susanna. Thankfully to most arcane tests she still registered as human, there were a couple of physical responses that she couldn't control that might give her away but for now that was nothing to worry about. There was another stranger among them, he was a pale, slightly sickly looking mage who gave Susanna a strange feeling. Like little alarm bells going off in her head. She couldn't say precisely why but every time she saw him she felt the need to run, like she was in horrible danger. There was nothing she could do about that however. Hrossbjorn's unit had crossed paths with Susanna several towns back. It had been all but deserted due to word that the Mad King's vanguard was riding in the area. Susanna had been searching for supplies when one of Hrossbjorn's men had mistaken her for some form of sell sword, most likely because of the garb she wore and the seemingly dwarven forged sword on her back. She'd neglected to correct him and his commanding officer had offered to pay her in exchange for her services. Now it seemed it was time to put those skills to the test. Susanna had a decent amount of experience with a blade given that she avoided using Lilith's powers in all but the most dire circumstances. If they ran into trouble she wouldn't have a problem defending herself.[/hider]