Name: Veovulf Rank: Imortale Pretors Ceorcitor STATS Strength:5 Endurance:10 Agility:5 Psyonic Power:5 Charisma:0 Perception:5 Intelligence:5 SKILLS Melee:100 Ranged:25 Heavy:50 Leadership:25 Acrobatics:25+50=75 Survival:75+25=100 Technology:50 Arcane Knowledge:50+25=75 Stealth:25 abilities regen forewarning exalted blades: move set channeling energy into enhanced blade attacks. move subset: slash dash: surge forward with the exalted blade, slashing at anything in the way. exalted blade: manifest power into summoning the exalted blade, a blade of pure light energy capable of casting ranged energy slash attacks Weapons: MAW-P assult rifle MAW-P pistol [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]