[center][b][color=lightblue][h2]Vivian[/h2][/color][/b] Feyhollow[/center] [color=lightblue]20[/color] [hr] Vivian put down her petilil at the edge of the stench before raising her arm to her face where she buried her nose in her elbow, trying to hide from the smell as she moved towards the cage. She held her breath for as long as she could, then eventually she had to let a little air in. She couldn't take it and charged back to her petilil and fresh air. [color=lightblue]"I'm sorry."[/color] she mouthed to her friends as she shook her head in disappointment. She had noticed something though. This skuntank was a mother and hidden in her fur behind her were two stunky's. That's why the smell must be so bad, she thought to herself. Not only is there three of them but that must be a protective mother. Even the poachers couldn't handle their smell. [color=lightblue]"Be careful!"[/color] Vivian shouts to her friend as she nears the cage. That skuntank still looked very angry. [hr][@Dusksong][@LuckyBlackCat] [hr]([i]The stench no one wanted[/i])[hr] [center][hider=Poachers in Feyhollow] [hr][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7pky0nyBb1r7azfs.png[/img][hr] [h2][u]Chapter One: Broken flowers[/u][/h2] [i]Poachers, possibly 3, have attacked the Vaud's botanical flower garden, using Pokemon and a vehicle, damaging the Vaud's lively hood and stealing their Pokemon. The friendly trio have investigated the scene and followed the tire tracks to a Pokemon in a trap.[/i] [/hider][/center] [hider=Vivian] [u]TP[/u][indent] [b]40[/b] +1 sunset post +1 (HHG) [b][u]TP=42[/u][/b][/indent][i]INVENTORY:[/i][List][*]pokeball x1 [*]travel rations + supplies [/list][u]POKEMON:[/u][list] [*]Flabebe-3, healthy/energetic [*]Petilil-3, healthy/energetic [*]empty [/list][/hider] [center][b][color=orange][h2]Azerus Jr[/h2][/color][/b] Feyhollow poke'center [/center] [i][color=orange]23[/color][/I] The scruffy homeless man and his Ursaring, that he seemed to have named 'teddy' made a fearsome team. First Azerus tried his rhyhorn but with the limited space of the carriage the ursaring got beside him delivering fierce blow after blow before finishing off the tired Pokemon with a giant slam. Next came zubat, things were going well until it confused the big bear. The confused ursaring nearly bowled over both the trainers before heading straight out off the moving train. Azerus had to act fast, it took all three of his pokemon to contain the rampaging bear but he managed to keep it on the train. After that the old scruffy man ended the battle and called Azerus the victor. It turned out he didn't have a pokeball for the ursaring, they were just really good friends. Even though the victory gave Azerus the right to kick the man out of the trailer, he didn't. Instead he shared his remaining rations and supplies as they sat around and talked with all their Pokemon out. [i][color=orange]""[/color][/I] [hr]([i]Journey to Atana Mountain Range-Fight on the train.[/i]) [hr] [hider=Azerus][u]TP:[/u][indent][b]17[/b] +1 (sunset post) +1 (league) [b]TP=19[/b][/indent][u]INVENTORY:[/u][List][*]pokeball x3 [*]broken electric guitar and case [*]one set of dirty clothes [*]one set of rags [*]scraps of travel rations + supplies [/list][u]POKEMON:[/u][list][*]Roggenrola-4, injured/tired [*]Rhyhorn-3, hurt/tired [*]Zubat-2, hurt/exhausted [*]empty [*]empty [*]empty [/list][/hider]