Finally finished making the character [hider=Arthur Bennet] Name: Arthur Bennett Race: Human Age: 16 Year at Academy: 1 Gender: Male Apperance: [img][/img] Personality: A troublemaker since little Arthur has a hair trigger temper and even if he has been able to reduce his violent outburst that doesn't mean he gets pissed off easily. Arthur has a tendency to disregard rules and warning if there is something that peaks his interest. His lack of friends during his childhood has made him into a quiet person except in the case he is pissed off where he can easily rant about the topic he is pissed off for. Skills, Talents, Specialties: [url=] Astrobelt[/url]: a belt with four sockets and a lever, on its own the belt is just a fancy looking toy but when a switch is inserted on the correct socket and pressed the socket uses the magic inside it to create a construct based on where it was put (ie a swich inserted on a right socket will create a construct on his right arm, which each switch only being able to be inserted in one). since the switches are magical batteries continued use they can run out of power and need to be recharged. Currently Arthur has only 4 switches that his neighbor created: 1.The right arm [url=]orange switch[/url] will create a [url=]red fist[/url] on his right hand, giving him superhuman strength. 2.The left arm [url=]black switch[/url] will give him a [url=]shield[/url] on his left hand, capable of making itself more durable and bigger the more magic is used on it. 3.The right leg [url=]blue switch[/url] creates a [url=]chainsaw[/url] on his right food and is Arthur main weapon, tough maneuverability is an issue. 4. Lastly the [url=]pink switch[/url] gives his left leg a [url=]pogo stick[/url] that can be used to jump high distances, tough Arthur still doesn't know how to control it well enough History: Born to a middle low class family, Arthur was often left alone on his house with his parents working until late hours of the night. Arthur discharged his feelings of loneliness and frustration starting with interrupting the teachers in the classroom, to heated arguments with teachers and fight with students on the school. During his last suspension of two weeks Arthur did nothing but play with his ball on the backyard, he had no friends to play with so he just kicked the ball to the wall, until it bounced off into the neighbor's house. Arthur´s parents would not come back any time soon, and the neighbor was an old man so Arthur climbed the wall into his neighbor's backyard. While looking for the ball he found a broken window, Arthur was already invading property so he checked the back door finding it open, entering the house . Inside he looked around and he saw the ball near a desk with a strange belt and a few small switches in it, with no one inside he put the belt on and grabbed the orange switch and inser iit in one of the sockets, which caused the belt to turn on and make some strange sounds. Weirded out but still curious he pressed the switch, for a moment nothing happened Arthur though it was just a simple toy and was about to take the belt off, when his right hand started to glow, transforming into a giant red fist. Arthur was taken aback, it was just like the a transforming devices of tv heroes, he had to know how or why his neighbor had it. He set his eyes on the desk and began to look for some notes or something that explained the functions of the belt. While searching he didn't notice the door opening and a man walking by, until he felt a touch on his shoulder. Brought back to reality and seeing his neighbor examining him, Arthur had not taken the belt off and his hand was still a red fist. There wasn't any explanation that he could make that could fool his neighbor into thinking that he didn't break his house and was using his belt, so he resorted to apologizing, he kneel on the floor and asked for forgiveness for entering the house but that he lets him help whatever thing he needed but that he lets him use the belt. His neighbor looked at him for a moment then let out a sigh, he accepted to let Arthur use the belt but with the conditions that he couldn't get into fights, be suspended again and that he would have to come to his house after school to help him test the belt and with his daily errands, Arthur accepted gladly and returned the belt to his owner, with his hand returning back to normal. In the following days he returned to school with many teachers and students surprised by his new attitude with many classmates trying to bait him into losing his temper, Arthur managed to held on and went home immediately after hearing the bell ring. That is how his new routine started where he learned the inner workings of the belts and the switches, one day while working on a new switch a blank paper appeared over his notes, once the words appeared to him the first thing that went to his mind was that if someone was pranking him. Relationships: Family: They don't talk a lot since they are always working, in the brief chances they are free they usually ask Arthur about what happened while they were gone, Arthur doesnt hate him but resents them a bit for leaving him alone many times when he was little. Neighbo(Called gramps by Arthur): The original creator of the astrobelt, and the one who took Arthur as his apprentice when he offered to it, he treats Arthur as his grandson but still berates him for his temper. [/hider]