[img]http://i.imgur.com/B5zECf8.png?1[/img] The sun goes down and the blood begins to flow festively. A tragic carving knife fight claimed the lives of King Wenceslas and Gizmo, and Sherlock lays dead, his Christmas and his face both made blue by Ash armed with stringed popcorn. The moon is up, Christmas lights go on, and everyone wonders when next blood will be struck. [img]http://i.imgur.com/5rDLVcZ.png[/img] Putin's Steam Library bloats with unplayed games and he pouts that there is nothing left he wants to buy. The Elvenqueen is self-shipped with Travolta. I, settling down for the night, roast my chestnuts. Outdoors the moon is out and the snow is piling up, causing Chunk and Sloth to stay inside. Santa eats chocolate, perhaps daring the Chanukah Zombie to do the same in the later's quest to steal the identity of the former. Bowser, the Equestrian Royal Guard, Mr Potato Head, and Papa Smurf practice and Judaism. Witch Cat, like Putin, suffers from a lack of video game excitement. The Angels split the night and, in lovely chorus, root for Dexter Morgan. Broby and gnome child enjoy baked goods, while Krampus suffers from overeating. Nothing of any consequence yet happens... [img]http://i.imgur.com/0tBHjhA.png[/img] Baby Jesus hears what I guess was probably the angels, since nothing else is really going on, but is not bothered to get out of bed. The games seem to be spiraling into Seasonal Affective Disorder as everyone either sleeps or sulks. This trend continues as Charlie Brown feels the stink of video-game related disinterest. There are even more Jews, perhaps a full conversion coming into effect. Woody Guthrie shares with the Emoticone his personal television theories and the Wicked Witch warms her chestnuts, but then... Bam! Blood! Gore! Horror! Aaron is kettle-garroted by a fuckin Nazi! Let's sit back and appreciate how shitty Aaron's performance was today. Gizmo broke his nose and stole his precious casserole, then he was forced to dance by Bowser, and how he lays slain by Nazis. Then blood again! Cynder bakes Turbo Man to death. If this is what "Goodwill to Cynder" meant then look out! Turbo Man, having earlier decided to work with King Wenceslas and the Snuggie, finds the King dead and the Snuggie as a sorta useless ally, what being a blanket and all. Alliances matter, friends. Burma burns a log, the Grinch hums himself to sleep, Bing, Bert, Snuggie, Saturn, and Dr. Light go door to door singing about the reason for the season: "Here comes Clirkus, her comes Clirkus, right down Clirkus lane." The deaths of Aaron and Turbo Man have not disturbed this cozy festive night. [img]http://i.imgur.com/gRyrVtJ.png[/img] Ash, on a role, somehow weaponizes Christmas and murders Furby with it. Earl Browder hears it but stays indoors. Frosty and an Elf pass out, while Clint bakes. Rudolph dares Ernie to lick a poll and leaves the poor muppet to suffer in the cold night while Chanukah Zombie receives food from yet another Santa imposter.