[center][h2][color=fff200]Decisions[/color][/h2][/center] Lance eyes grew wide as he observed Allison pull the condom over the banana, he put his hand on his chin and starting thinking.[color=0072bc]"Oh! It is used as a device to preserve the banana?"[/color] Lance said wide eyed, he was sure that his answer was correct. He could sense the mixed emotions in the air from the shy shark boy to the prudent charlotte. [color=0072bc]"what do you mean by that"[/color] Lance said turning to charlotte. [color=0072bc]"I would need a much larger size to preserve myself"[/color] Lance said looking at Charlotte and holding the condom up,[color=0072bc]"Does this look like it would fit me"[/color] he said following up with a rhetorical question. He then turned and walked to the job bored [color=0072bc]"This place isn't so bad and it's free so why complain"[/color] Lance eventually lost interest in his question, he took a look at the jobs. "[color=0072bc]"Killing the rich military offical sounds funnest to me how about you guys?"[/color] Lance said looking back at the group. [color=0072bc]"It would show us the upper limits of our strength because someone this rich would have to be powerful, and also it would make a name for us and earn us a reputation.[/color] Lance said with a smirk