[h3][u]Yarosmere[/u][/h3] [b]~In Sansar~[/b] With the bloody evisceration of one of their number, the few remaining Sand Cobras bolted for the portal in the shadows, charging through while Yolin was distracted with his victim. The portal closed, leaving Darius, Myrn, Aramir, El'kan, and Summer with Yolin. Aramir, in the mean time, was quenching a ball of flame in her fist. Her eyes blazed at John, the demon servant of Baulder. [i]If I ever get my hands on that fool, I'm going to beat him senseless.[/i] She silently vowed, steadfastly avoiding looking at Myrn's tempting rear. There were more important things, like the maniac who had just caused someone to be eviscerated with merely a touch. The man in question had calmly turned back to the College students, splattered with blood and gore, and was noting there missing members. His eyes were back to their normal color, and he no longer crackled with ominous power. "It appears the rebels have kidnapped your friends. We will, of course, do our utmost to retrieve them from the grasp of the heathens, but you must understand that the odds of us finding your friends, much less alive, are slim to none." "We understand." Aramir spoke with a forced calm, still clearly very upset about the fact John attacked her. And that it was so damn hot. "Good!" Yolin clapped his hands. "We still have time to kill and the Arena is really something you must see. Just the thing to put this unpleasantness behind you." He began to walk away, pausing only briefly to glance behind him. "I suggest you keep up. The crowds tend to get...unruly after events such as these. Especially around foreigners. Real or otherwise." With that warning, or perhaps thinly veiled threat, he began to walk away. Aramir looked at Myrn accusingly. She was hot, covered in sweat, had nearly been tackled by a damn demon, and now was following a mad man around. "I blame you for getting me into this." [b]~Unknown Location. Underground Cave~[/b] The portal closed as the remaining Sand Cobras leapt through, avoiding the College students and stumbling to their own lines. "Darian is dead." One of them gasped, before vomiting. The woman holding the portal opened glanced at him in distaste. "You should really learn to get over that sickness of the portal. It'll cost you your life at some point." She said pointedly, closing the portal. The man muttered something, possibly a few choice curses, before doubling over and vomiting again. As Mar and Baulder eyed each other, a stone wall erupted between them. "There will be no fighting here. We didn't save you just so you could kill each other." The woman snapped, eyeing the both of them balefully. The woman turned her attention to addressing them as a whole. "Welcome to the Resistance. I'm Sahra, the leader of the non-militant side of it. The Sand Cobra leader is somewhere in the back, sulking because I wouldn't let him join the fight against Yolin to snag at least some of you. If you all can behave you can follow me and the two of us will explain everything to you. If not, these four gentleman will restrain you and we'll wait for you to cool off while we tend to our dead and wounded." Sahra arched an eyebrow at the three of them. "Well?"