[center][h2][color=lightcoral]Sawasawa[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] With a *click click click* Sawa loaded the last of the shells and with a satisfying *ker-chunk*, she pulled the pump back. Swaying Waldo in the air, she ditzilly made her way over to the job board and observed it patiently. Some of the group seemed concerned over the decision Mr.Kabuki had so suddenly imposed on them. She stifled her excitement as he went over the options. They all had great appeal to her, though she had her own desires to keep in mind. Definitely, she saw the most potential in killing the rich guy. It had the least constraints and the most room for creativity. [color=lightcoral]I think number one sounds the most fun![/color] She said with a cheerful smile, the shotgun in her hands a clear antithesis to her expression. She swung her 'wand' through the air, gun safety clearly the least of her worries. [color=lightcoral]I feel we have a lotta potential here folks, a great big canvass to paint![/color] She did one of her signature dramatic gestures, framing the first present in her fingers,mentally envisioning the potential it had. [color=lightcoral]Shouldn't we find out what this group of ours likes to paint~?[/color]