[hider=MɅRO] [center][h1]MɅRO JVNIVS GɅIVS[/h1] [i][sup]Angel, Celesti[/sup][/i] [img]http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__pixiv_fantasia_and_pixiv_fantasia_new_world_drawn_by_akira_hou__af121fef5f3e3c69a636cc5f3b69a3af.jpg[/img] [sup][/sup] [i]Age: 15 Year at Academy: 2 Gender: Male[/i] [hr] [b]Personality[/b] Unsurprisingly, Maro is collected, polite, respectful and insightful, but not too quiet. This is to be expected in an angelic upbringing, specifically of the Celesti kind. Though not laid-back and lazy, Maro prefers to keep things slow and steady, being rather prone to being overwhelmed with the frustration of a large workload than other hardworking angels. Much like contemporary views on angels, Maro is no less prone to sin than man. In particular, his worst faults are his tendency to be overly critical, self-righteous, and disdainful. More often than not, this spells trouble for anyone nosy, boisterous, faulty, [i]and most especially[/i] Ysgardian. -- [sub][b]SPECIALTY[/b]:[/sub] [h3]GUARDIAN[/h3] Maro, as an angel, has the innate ability to naturally heal himself almost rapidly; moderate lacerations heal in a matter of a few dozen seconds, and many small wounds can simply be shrugged off. This, of course, doesn't exclude him from death and incapacitation; what's supposed to kill instantly kills instantly, what's supposed to remove an arm removes an arm, and so. As a further line of defense, Maro is able to put up a tangible [s]AT field[/s] barrier able to deflect harmful blows from one side, also innate. Maro's main weapons of choice are Platinum, a tough one-handed sword lightweight and able to move swiftly, and Armament, a powerful and accurate, but somewhat heavy rifle. -- [b]History[/b] The Celesti are so known for their strict, rigid social structure. When one strays off from their expected behavior, an Angel is often subject to sanctions so harsh that Celestia has been sometimes said to become ironically more in line with the old Hell of divine justice and retribution than Pandemonium is. So it's no surprise that Maro grew into a stern upbringing, often trained to discipline by his father. It is also with this that Maro was able to achieve his innate power so early on. Such an achievement at an early age might have led Maro to being invited to Acadia, an honor his father rewarded with his two prime weapons. A year has passed since. Enemies and allies made, milestones done and had. While he might have already gone far, there's still more to go ahead of him. -- [b]Relationships[/b] By default, Maro possesses less favorable views on demons and Ysgard angels. Not much is to be said about his family other than having deep gratitude for their support and upbringing, and some mixed thoughts regarding the harsh discipline he had throughout his youth. -- [b]Other[/b] Maro won't entertain questions regarding his extravagantly Roman name. He has a low opinion on the concept of Nephilim. Expect him to immediately persecute them, if he ever meets one at all. [/center][/hider]