Nero scratched her head thoughtfully, as she eyed the situation unfold. Well, it looked like Merilia was indeed here, in the library, in a manner of speaking. Suddenly the elder of the twins felt slightly embarassed about her outfit, although fortunately, the mage was leaving as easily as she had appeared. The rumour was most intriguing. What was that about some kind of chant in the courtyard? Nero shrugged. Maybe the recipe could wait. She thought to herself as she ventured outside the library, with graceful steps. The imagery that displayed in the courtyard didn't disappoint. Marianne's dog. Tiral. And there was this odd newcomer dancing some stupid song. Probably a prank. But her eyes rested on something else. It was one of these fabled Akitsushiman bunnies. And just like her own sister, her higher thoughts were momentarily nullified as she approached the newcomer with the stealth of a maid, her hands lashing out to pet the creature's ears. "BUNNY!" She managed to utter, a testament of her simplistic thoughts at the moment.