I tried to resist but I gave in >.> At least this guy seems to fit in with this theme of ridiculousness (?) [@AdobeFlash] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MaYl3-S12D8/VF9nCwE2L3I/AAAAAAAAAcQ/Fzd49dCQTSA/s1600/1365207713469.jpg[/img][h1][color=007236][b][u]Worogoro[/u][/b][/color][/h1][h3][sup][sup][i]"Making the Impossible happen through Improbable means."[/i][/sup][/sup][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [color=007236][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent]Worogoro is without a doubt one of the finest minds of the Ork race. Considering the average brain of the Ork species this can either be quiet incredible or quiet underwhelming depending on your stance of Greenskins. To put it bluntly, Worogoro is an Ork who gives zero shits about everything: zero shits on time, zero shits on budgetary concerns, zero shits on morally ethical practices, zero shits on how many people behind him want coffee and, being and Ork, zero shits on the common laws of reality. Shit works because he thinks it will work to some degree and show his faith waver, it may not work. Good thing Worogoro is stubborn and head strong then. The guy is also quite racist towards anything not Orkoid stating that other races are "weak grotz" or "too unorky". In his eyes, green is best and orks are green meaning orks are bestest. And whenever given a chance, he will try to demonstrate either by attempting to beat the shit out of the other person or trying to out smart them (this has as unpredictable results as you can guess). Should he fail in this endenver, he will simply resort to this quote and way or thinking: [indent][i]Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see![/i][/indent] If you couldn't also tell, Worogoro has quite the [s]cockney[/s] orky accent.[/indent] [b][color=007236]History:[/color][/b] [indent]Something something dem 'umies... something something WAAGGHHHH!!! God'unta... something something Christmas music... something something tellyporta... something something MAH SQUIG... something something da mekboy zogged up... something something more Christmass music... something something hot tub... something something DEM 'UMIES... something something WWAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!... something something time kevin spacey kontinumum... something something stoopid grotz... something something APTLLFTS?... something something meth?... something something WOROGORO GONNA WOROGORO... something something WAAGGGHHHHHH!!!.... something something kolateral damage?... something something Worogoro will make a new tellyporta wile workin' for da big bosses at ap-tea-liftz... something something aleast I still gotz mah squigger... something something orkz is best... something something Worogoro gonna Worogoro without Worogoroing too much[/indent] [b][color=007236]Interesting Physical Traits:[/color][/b] [indent]He's big, he's green, he's an ork in 'eavy powa arma. Figure it out.[/indent] [b][color=007236]Items:[/color][/b] [indent]Ork toolz, his Squig "Mista Cuddly Chompa", Ork "brainz", half a dead grot[/indent] [/hider]