[hr][center][img]http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/economica.regular_zps52gj7crh.png[/img] [sub][@Haru Nyan][@cloudystar][@Rekaigan][@Lmpkio][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Unfortunately for Phoebe (and by that extent, Louis), Louis just didn't know when to shut up. He went on this rant... that didn't go anywhere. Phoebe tried to spare the whole lot of them the time and energy of hearing him drone on and on, before she tried to stop him. [color=orange]"Louis."[/color] Phoebe cut in, only for him to continue. [color=orange]"[i]Louis.[/i]"[/color] Only for him to seemingly ignore her. When he finished, Phoebe was basically facepalming, shaking her head side to side as she realized that Louis was kind of a moron. Just in the social sense. [color=orange]"... You don't know when to quit, do ya'?"[/color] Phoebe said, before Zhi-Ya chimed in, trying to get everyone to calm down regardless, she had a point, but there was something that Phoebe had to note. [color=orange]"Regardless of how we feel about his [i]'talent'[/i]-"[/color] [i]Me being more concerned about how Louis isn't allowed near schools.[/i] [color=orange]"We don't have time to make adjustments to his equipment. We'll have to suck it up."[/color] Phoebe's arc darted towards D-A, as she said, [color=orange]"And that means [i]all[/i] of us."[/color] Before she was, fortunately, saved by Commander Morrison finally beginning briefing. Okay, so basically, the whole lot of Deltawatch are going to head to Russia (Assisted by Symmetra's teleporters), and help transport two artifacts. One of which being armor that has enough firepower to blow a skyscraper in half! That made the Berserk armor seem like a chump! She was pretty surprised that they're even allowed in Russia - then again, they're operating off the books here. Especially when Talon is involved. Another thing that was on her mind was the info they had on Talon. Other than Reaper and Widowmaker being the heavy hitters, Phoebe heard that they gathered themselves a band of goons to do their bidding. [color=orange]"Commander Morrison,"[/color] Phoebe raised her hand to get his attention, [color=orange]"In the event that Talon [i]does[/i] attack the cargo, what is our intelligence on them? I know we are all well aware of Reaper, and Widowmaker, but what about the others?"[/color]