[color=f7976a][center][h3]~Allison Hillard~[/h3][/center][/color] [@Barioth][@pkken] [hr] Allison had to stifle a laugh as Lance sorely got the wrong idea about what the condom was used for. Mission success. She was sure that would cause him some fun times in the future. Times that would be hilarious to watch. She merely ignored Charlotte for now, casting the rather proper seeming woman a bored glance. Well, she sounded both tons of fun and not any fun at all at the same time. Not that she was particularly concerned with some uptight suit. She should learn to live a little. Meh, whatever. [color=f7976a]"Ahaha, indeed! I say number one sounds quite fun you two."[/color] Allison chuckled. Sneaking into and dealing with such a person would be quite entertaining and a very nice challenge indeed. Of course...that was only [i]her[/i] secondary goal. Bio-engineering corps? Now that was something she was [i]much[/i] more interested in. She liked to think she was well versed in biology considering a number of factors...she was immediately curious as to what they could possibly even be researching there. Something she could use for herself, perhaps? The temptation to find out was quite overwhelming.