Callie stood where she was for a moment, drawing in a slow, deep breath. She approached the cafe she normally frequanted, figuring she could maybe get something on a tab, and that she could wait there, before sneaking back and getting her things. What she'd do then, she had no idea. But she needed her things, she knew that. Entering, she shifted awkwardly, and waited behind a guy at the counter. A charm on her bracelet glowed for a moment, and she glanced to it. [i]werewolf[/i] She thought, not really concerned. It would be odd to not interact in anyway with a supernatural, and mostly, they were harmless, unless enraged. She had some good patrons with supernaturals-well, use to. So she waited patiently, and unconcerned. She knew that the werewolf would be able to smell her-their enhanced senses allowing them to pick up the slight difference between witches and humans-but she figured as long as she wasn't threatening, she wouldn't be in any harm. She ran a hand through her hair, frustrated, and worried.