"Well, we can help with that; what matters is that Malakai ends up dead, not who kills him," Osamu said, while Taichi and Yamato were already deploying their Digimon outside of Imperialdramon's field, Digivolving them at a fast pace. In moments, WarGreymon and MetaGarurumon were standing in the space above Imperialdramon, before fusing into Omnimon/Omegamon, who would then descend towards Malakai's planet, before, once he was close enough, firing a beam of energy that would be enough to destroy an entire city, and would strike the evil overlord's planetary defenses full-on. In the meantime, Imperialdramon, with the inhabitants in tow, would begin its own charge towards Malakai's planet, ready to lend its own power against the enemy, while the other 01 and 02 Chosen Children began deploying their own Digimon; Rosemon, Vikemon, and HerculesKabuterimon were at the forefront, lashing out with city-destroying attacks. At the same time, however, Minato Airsato had summoned his Persona, Orpheus, in reserve, while Mewtwo put up a psychic shield strong enough to bolster Nathan's own arcane might. Horus, too, was ready to cast a powerful healing spell on short notice. Koushiro/Izzy, meanwhile, was trying to find a cybernetic component to Malakai's defenses; if such existed, he can hack it... [@supertinyking][@thewizardguy]