[center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3] From a perfect looking table, with freshly placed seating it seemed that nothing on this part of the tavern had been touched by the damage. A soft whimper, Parodying a injured cub, had escaped from under its rounded shelter. If one was to look, a torso, just by the shape, of one of the straw man was laid out under it. One would assume it had made the sound if not looking back into the shade under the table. A curled body layered in fur seemly moved the most it could away from the body part. The voice whimpering once more as the door had opened once more and a heavy thing walk through. She could hear the thump of its feet move by her table. Slowly only the voice of other patrons was heard, with a heavy heart she crawled her way from under the table. Her petite form scooting against the nearest wall at the rush to her senses due to all the new faces. Largely there seemed to be too many new people to observe. As safety she looked for one she would see. She could still see the wolf. Temped she was to approach it yet she was quite anxious at meeting such a large creature. A mistrust she had had for as long as she would dare to remember. Less she'd known the scent of her former pack had long since faded into a natural scent of pine and fallen leaves. Slowly she'd crawl towards the wolf. Careful not to get to close as to disturb it if it was to turn hostile towards her. [@Dark Light] [/center]