[hider= The Negotiation] Eli let out a heavy breath. his entire morning had been spent with his father, reiterating and re-establishing the boundaries for a negotiation. Eli did not have much wiggle room, and he knew that De Reimer's offer would be a strong one. Eli didn't have to give a damn about anything except the facts right now, and they all fell heavily in De Reimer's favor. The Entente falling apart The assassins from Manshrew The ability to make a powerful offer... These were the things that De Reimer had and could wield in these negotiations, and Eli was cautioned by The Old Man that they may even try to use Naomi's harm as an induction to negotiation. The thought had crossed his mind, but he had initially disregarded it after his interactions with Lanaya. However, he forced those away. And it is now, sitting at his desk once more, that he is focusing his mind. He knew what he had to do and he knew what his negotiable limits were. He forced his opinions and thoughts on Lana out the window, sharpened his mind, and set his focus. This was, perhaps, one of the most important decisions he had been tasked with handling, and he was, for damn sure, going to make it come out in his favor. Blackwell favor. He lifted his head and cast a glance about the room; it was lit by torches this evening rather than a solitary candle, giving the room much more light. Mary was obediently sitting upon her perch, hooded and pacified. He had cleared his desk entirely of clutter, leaving its entire surface empty save for a stack of blank parchment and a quill with ink. And, a touch of his father's influence, his elaborate rapier lay across the table as a soldier's show of integrity. Perhaps a touch more interesting, however, was the queer dagger that lay at its side, with its thicker sheathe and adornment of the Blackwell crest. He had abstained from alcohol and fasted all day, to sharpen his mind and quell his complacency. Water and meagre supplements of bread had been his only meals throughout the day, and this was a practice of his that he held in quite high regard as a method of sharpening oneself. And, there upon the table, was a pitcher of water rather than wine or any other drink, for he disdained the mind numbing powers of the substances when serious work needed to be done. Everything, he decided, was set for a discussion of war and politics. He wouldn't need to wait very long either, as in just a few minutes Lanaya Dionisa, his opponent for the evening's discussions, would be shown through the door by a much more stoic and quiet member of the Dragonguard than she would be used to at this juncture in time. "Welcome, Lady Dionisa." Immediately his tone carried none of the charm and friendliness it had in their previous encounters, and instead maintained an authoritative and powerful air- and, indeed, he did no banter and moved straight to business once the door was closed behind her; "I presume you are prepared for this evening's business, and I propose we begin with some brevity as there will be much to discuss." "Thank you Lord Blackwell, and indeed, let us not waste any time." Lanaya stated somewhat haughtily as she entered the room. She used the formal version of his name, for this was a formal engagement and feelings had no place in it. She wore the illusion of Nyhem high fashion - a much more flashy and bulky affair than the Alenius standard, and normally quite limiting of motion, though not for her. In her hand were the papers Duncan had given her - rolled up of course - to be used if needed. She noted the weapons on the table as she approached, guess it was some kind of quaint Blackwell custom. She had no blade of her own to place on the table to return the gesture, and so did not. "The Imperial Concord wishes to invite House Blackwell to join the Imperial Concord." She spoke firmly of the intent of these negotiations - though the terms and conditions were up for debate, Duncan had been quite clear about the ultimate goal. Eli didn't give her the same appraising gaze she had felt before, and it appeared that her appearance didn't mean anything to him in this moment. She was a voice to him right now and nothing more, a representation of a man he wished to challenge. However, something that remained the same was the lord's employment of silence as a tool. He let her declaration hang in the air for several seconds as he shut his eyes and listened. "Ah. The Concord wishes for our help." he said with a sly smile. "I see. I will assume that you were given leave to make offers in order to entice us to accept this request, and if that is the case I suggest you do so now." He was leaving all of the initial declarations up to her, and he kept his eyes shut as he spoke. However, as he spoke, he focused his mind. On the chess-board presented upon the table he envisioned a map of Formaroth in his mind's eye, and upon it he placed three 'king' pieces. One king was presented with several pawns and a bishop, the other with two knights and a rook. The former king was placed within the city of Nyhem and his pawns cast about the lands, with the Bishop piece standing in over the recent battleground against the Manshrew forces. The latter king was placed in Uzgob and the knight pieces were locked against the bishop. He then placed a third king in Alenius, and with that king he placed a knight piece and a queen piece. The queen was the strongest piece upon the board, and he felt quite satisfactory with laying it firmly within the third king's repertoire. He moved his mind's eye around the board and surveyed it from all sides, then began to move pieces about slowly- moving them to match the reports he received. Then he finally opened his eyes and returned his gaze to Lana. "Glarmion and Akki." Lanaya stated with little delay. When she continued, it was to state in more depth the terms of this allegiance - though allegiance was perhaps a strong word, as her terms would strip Alenius of its independence. That would be the hardest thing to sell to her opponent. It was best to gauge his reaction to it early. "In exchange for joining the Imperial Concord and supporting Duncan De Reimer's claim on the throne. As a member of the Concord, you would be bound to provide full support to the war effort against Manshrew. Following the successful conclusion of the war, House Blackwell would be granted dominion over the lands of Glarmion and Akki int heir entirety for as long as the House endures." She knew territorial gain would appeal to Eli, but it was not her only card to play. "Glarmion, Akki, and Uzgob." Eli stated immediately. "Because, and I assure you of this, my father will eradicate the Manshrew name from Formaroth for the damages done to the princess. That means Uzgob will be in need of new lordship. I see it fitting to include Uzgob within the entitlements of the Blackwell King." He then pressed his hands together, forming a pyramid with his fingers. "And you say 'join' the Imperial Concord, however an alliance will be sufficient, and any further attempts to subjugate the independence of the Blackwell King and all lands presiding under their rule will be seen as a threat to our way of life and an act of war. So no suggesting we kneel and no suggesting we recognize De Reimer as anything other than an equal. He is neither our king nor our superior, and there will be no swaying this matter. King Giles Blackwell has made it clear that our independence is paramount." His voice was iron. Unyielding. They were asking for his help. He was a provider of a service- a service of war. And the Blackwells were extremely good at war. And something Eli had learned very swiftly as a young boy was this; if you're good at something, never do it for cheap. He had made these counters and demands swiftly, disregarding his usual silences. A direct and sudden counter-attack to her offer. The barest hint of a smile curled one corner of Lana's mouth. While part of her was hoping for an easy victory, she was also expecting a challenge, and with such terms stated so boldly, Eli was certainly presenting one. She took a little time to respond, remaining silent before speaking as Eli was prone to do, though not as long as he usually did. "Uzgob, Glarmion, Akki... House Blackwell joins the Concord and acknowledges King Duncan, and in addition, a daughter of the Blackwell line marries Patrick De Reimer, placing the Blackwell lineage on the direct line for the throne." She wasn't going to relent on a full joining of the concord quite yet. She knew her position was not strong, but he didn't need to know that. She was confidant in her offer, despite Eli's tone of iron. They wanted the throne. Given that Duncan did not currently look like he was going to be producing any heirs, it was a good deal. Eli broke his gesture, moving his hand to the quill and ink pot upon the table. With deft gestures he coated the quill, then writ upon the paper. 'Uzgob' 'Glarmion' 'Akki' Once those words were upon the paper, he placed the quill back within the pot and let a silence hang. This one was weightier. "You still expect subjugation to De Reimer. Any attempts at revoking the independence of the Blackwell Kingdom will be met firmly with denial of the other terms." He reinforced. "As for the marriage, if one is to occur it will be Matrilineal to ensure that the children are Blackwells and all inherited titles will fall into house Blackwell. The marriage would thusly take place in Alenius under the customs of this land." He allowed himself a sly smile. Her response was swift and firm, though not quite the iron tone he managed. "No. These terms are unacceptable." She let the statement hang in the air for a moment. The deal would be entirely in Blackwell favor under such terms and he knew it. When she spoke again it was in a more conciliatory tone. "Independence. Let us add that to the table. His majesty will acknowledge the independence of Alenius under King Giles Blackwell the first. However, the Concord is not willing grant as much land to the Kingdom of Alenius during this negotiation. We now have three separate things to negotiate. The terms under his Majesty Duncan De Reimer will recognize the independence of the Kingdom of Alenius, the terms of the military and economic alliance against the upstart Andrew Manshrew and the terms of a marriage between the Blackwell and De Reimer families." She had divided them up like this because of the different duration that each was likely to entail. It was far cleaner to create a number of separate treaties than fill one with all manner of temporal clauses. "Shall we begin by discussing the new borders of your Kingdom?" Eli's sly smile escalated into a smirk, though he cautiously poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table and drank from it, forcing his facial expressions away. He'd succesfully guaranteed independence as a part of the deal as far as he was concerned, meaning he could afford to be much more lenient in other manners. He set his glass down and poured another one, ever courteous of his guest, even if an opponent, and set the second glass on Lana's side of the table. He then folded the parchment bearing the lands previously discussed into half, and set it aside. A new piece of parchment was presented, and he wrote, this time in quite calligraphic means.. [b]Independence Guaranteed[/b] He then returned to his neutral mannerisms, depositing the quill back into the inkpot. "I am willing to relinquish Uzgob from the listed additions to the Blackwell demesne, and am willing to accept your initial offer of Glarmion and Akki." He discarded his iron tone and, once more, wielded the neutrality of business. For a moment, Lana wondered if perhaps she hadn't pushed hard enough. If maybe the Blackwell's might've folded on independence if she had just been a little firmer. It seemed as though Eli believed he he had one the first round. Perhaps he had, but even if that was the case, she would not give in to doubt. She could not go back now. She took the offered glass and sipped it. The cool water was refreshing, and the pause allowed her to formulate her next move. "His Majesty is very generous in his gifting land while acknowledging Blackwell requests for Independence." She began, taking the quill in her hand. "It is valuable territory that is changing hands... He will expect, however, a significant tithe in order to cover the administrative costs of transferring authority, and as a repayment for his benevolent granting of your request." She was not going to let these lands go lightly. "A tithe will be paid and nothing more. That is to say, formally, one-tenth of the land's earnings of the year shall be paid to cover the..." He paused and chuckled some... "Administrative costs." He then waved a and dismissively. "Before you bargain again, consider the value and position of the lands of Akki, as well as the already considerable treasuries of Alenius. Looking upon these lands alone, the established Tithe I suggest will be quite satisfactory. When Glarmion is taken into account as well, it is without doubt that a considerable sum will find its way into the Imperial Concord's coffers as... tithe." He spoke quite quickly throughout this, as if finding it tiresome and wanting to be done with it. Money wasn't an issue. Would never be an issue. He didn't care enough to try and sway them for less money, so he just went ahead and offered something he considered, privately, an adequate amount. He fully expected her to pressure him for an extension of the tithe, and he was considering how long he was willing to agree to it should the Lady Dionisa pressure him. Noting his tone, Lana saw a chance to push for more. It was a fairly generous beginning offer, but that didn't mean she would just accept it. "Ten percent of yearly earnings for four years." She countered. It was a high estimate, and she was willing to be argued down, but it also set up for the next thing she said, after a brief pause. "Or thirty percent of only one years earnings." She was aware that such a lump sum would be less in total, and was again prepared to negotiate the number down. But at such a significant percentage of a kingdoms earnings it would not only cut severely into the Blackwell income, but go a very long way for Duncan. The crown was in significant debt, and if she was able to eliminate that debt in one fell swoop, it would likely please Duncan sufficiently to overlook her failure to incorporate Alenius directly into the Concord. "Ten percent for two years." the tone of iron, once more, arose from the man's throat. The boredom and lack of care on the matter shattered as soon as she made a counter-offer, and he once more moved his will to assert himself over the conversation. He chastised himself on relaxing on a subject he felt comfortable about, because his comfort allowed for a point of leverage on his opponent's behalf. He was fine with agreeing to longer terms, but he couldn't let her feel she could press for much in the future lest this whole thing become less...in his favor. Lana smiled and said "That is acceptable." She put quill to parchment and recorded the details of the tithe on the treaty. It was a significant payment. She hoped it would be enough to please Duncan. "Given the state of the world as it is now, you must understand that the Imperial Concord unfortunately will not be able to ensure the current rulers of Glarmion and Akki will gracefully accept their new liege. As such, it will be entirely up to house Blackwell to determine the manner in which they bring their new lands under control." This was the other stroke of her plan. Though it was fairly certain that Giles' fury would see House Blackwell drawn into the war with Manshrew, providing a direct economic reason would commit Eli to the war as well. After all, it was highly unlikely the rulers of Glarmion or Akki would simply role over and allow themselves to be deposed or significantly diminished in power and standing. She did add one final word though. "Of course, should you wish to assist us in bringing Manshrew down swiftly, the Concord would likely be happy to assist in bringing your new land directly under your control." "I assure you that the current rulers will see reason and submit to our lawfully deigned rule." Eli said coolly. "Assistance will not be needed in order for the acquisition to take place." His eyes fell on Lana once more, having searched the parchment. He left the weight of his gaze upon her and drank from the glass of water he had poured for himself. And while he drank, he moved the pieces on the chess board mentally. The image in his mind's eye, created and held in place before, now began to change. The queen moved and occupied Glarmion, whilst the knight moved to Akki and dominated it. Then pawns, dozens of pawns, sprung up within the newly acquired Blackwell territories. His mind raced, trying to calculate things he had very little direct information on, trying to anticipate profits and costs and, ultimately, the power gained. He was calculating this deal in terms of 'Can I get the throne in thirty years from this position on the board'. And, so far, he saw this as an affirmative query. He felt satisfied. "Let us move on to a new topic." He offered, placing his glass down. "What is next on our agenda?" Lana looked on, knowing he had a plan. He always had a plan. Whether it would work was another question entirely, but not one she would worry about now. Things were as in her favor as they could be. She picked up a new sheaf of parchment, moving the existing one to the side, though keeping it prominently in view. "The nature of the economic and military alliance against the Forces of Andrew Manshrew." She stated. She did not doubt there would be such an alliance - the Blackwell family was provoked against him already. It was only logical to join forces to ensure his swift and complete destruction. This time, she would let Eli offer first. She was interested to see exactly what he was willing to commit to such an Alliance. "The alliance will be one of simple necessity. The Imperial Concord will offer the Blackwell Kingdom assistance in their endeavors to inflict retribution upon those who sought to assassinate the king, Giles Blackwell, and all those of his lineage. Furthermore, the Imperial Concord will grant the Blackwell Kingdoms an Auxiliary force as a sign of good will and trust. This auxiliary force will number at least one thousand strong and may be accompanied by a commander of Duncan's choosing so long as they be willing to follow orders." Eli's eyes watched Lana. "And, finally, the Blackwell kingdoms, in return for the assistance against Manshrew, will similarly work with the Imperial Concord at junctures so as to ensure smooth relations and a quick, painless, war. To put it simply, we will work together to meet the ends desired." He then splays his hands to Lana, as if opening up the air to her, and patiently awaited her response. Lana thought for a moment. Her initial impulse was to refuse - Duncan had little need of more troops, he needed equipment. However, on thinking it through, she changed her mind. Not only was it proper to accept the show of good faith, but Blackwell troops were, in general more consistently good than the disparate armed forces of the Concord. If Duncan was careful about who we he sent, he could well benefit from the quality Blackwell troops being under his direct command. "Very well. An auxiliary force will be provided, however we will expect the Blackwell Kingdom to provide an equivalent force. It is only polite, after all, to extend the show of good faith both ways." She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, taking a sip of water while she did so. "I'm sure you are aware, that the Imperial Concord will be requesting economic support, primarily in the form of arms and armor. Cawanor cannot supply the entirety of the army, while your land is known to have a surplus. I am sure the details will be quite dull to discuss, and likely better figured out by one with more knowledge of the Concord precise need, however I would like to have an indication of how you would respond to this request." "Very well, Blackwell will also send De Reimer a legion as a sign of goodwill. Of course, just as De Reimer may send a commander, Blackwell will send one as well." He paused here, letting a silence settle. Then he smirked. He found his angle, and he pressured it; "Ah, of course." He clasped his hands together and adjusted his posture, crossing a leg and resting the elbow of an arm upon his knee. He had, yet again, something the Concord needed. And when you have something, make them bleed for what they need. "However, due to the sudden need to arm our own people and establish ready supplies, in order for us to relinquish any of our armaments there will need to be...compensation...And, due to the war and the need to hold onto a surplus...the price of the equipment will, understandably, increase markedly..." From the way he spoke, it was clear that the 'compensation' would be steep. Lana knew she would be hard pressed to turn this to her advantage. The Concord was not in a good position for bargaining right now. So she switched tack. "While I understand the need for a significant compensation in this time of war... The Concord is an ally. His Majesty has been kind in granting independence, but Manshrew will likely not even acknowledge the difference between Concord and Blackwell kingdoms. He will sweep in and destroy us both if we do not present as unified a front, both militarily and economically, as possible. He has ample reason to hate your house after you fought him in the last war, after all. Let us hasten the destruction of a shared enemy through cooperation." She was already doubtful that this approach would hold any weight with Eli, he would probably be too canny to be caught up in such an emotional manipulation so easily, but she expertly kept her doubt from her voice. "Allies is the key word in this negotiation, lady Dionisa. For we are allies, not unified, is the reason that this increase in the price must be made. We are not a unified front, we are a collaborative front with a common goal. That means I must take care of my own before I can offer aid to others, and in a time of war supplies are paramount in this regard. If the Concord wishes to obtain supplies from the Blackwell Kingdoms, I'm afraid that the prices will increase to supplement the higher demand for the goods. It's idiocy on my end to offer any less, and in truth I'm already bending from my father's unyielding position on this. So do accept the offer, lest it be revoked under the wrath of the king himself." With how this was worded and phrased, Eli was portraying himself as making a generous offer in an otherwise unyielding environ. Lana had known from the start such a trick of manipulation would not prove effective against this most canny of foes. She made a show of mulling over the offer before continuing, even as she inwardly cursed herself for being outmaneuvered. "It is a generous offer." She began, appearing at first to accept before continuing. "But I must counter with one offer, a payment of sorts that is not in gold. A guarantee that Andrew Manshrew will be kept alive should he be captured by Concord forces, that he might be handed over to your family to suffer whatever judgement you may wish. I must also beseech you to consider that while we may not be a unified front, Manshrew will surely see us as one. Whatever may occur after his defeat, it is in both our interests to avoid tension and economic strain in the short term." She paused for just a moment to ensure what she said next was distinct. "If such a guarantee is of no interest to House Blackwell however, I will have to accept the terms of this agreement. Either way, Concord economists and logistics specialists will be dispatched upon my return to negotiate the finer numbers of the deal." Eli was in a powerful position, and maneuvering a negotiation like this was exhilirating at times. He put on a show of mullimg over the decision; sighing softly, drinking his water, looking up for a moment in consideration... Then shaking his head and looking back at Lana. "I cannot accept." This outcome was decided from the start, but Eli had chosen to play this entire section of dialogue as if he were struggling to be generous and there simply wasn't any more he could do. "The offer is tempting, however you must consider this; Giles Blackwell is a soldier, not a knight. Manshrew dying in battle will satiate our feud with him, and should he be captured alive the Blackwells will simply put him to trial of combat. So either way he dies in battle, and we will contnue hunting those who bear his name. So in the end, such an offer as yours offered nothing and took much. So I cannot accept. The price of the armaments will increase as befitting a commodity during war." And, with Lana's approval hanging in the air from her prior statement, Eli Blackwell wrote down a rough outline of the price increase and trade ordeal. Lana sipped her water in silence as Eli wrote. She was experiencing a curious mix of emotions. Disappointment at being bested in this duel of wits... Fear over what Duncan's reaction might be... And an ever growing admiration for the man across from her. Once he had finished writing she began to speak, allowing none of her emotion to color her voice. "If that is concluded, let us move onto the final element of the treaty. The nature of the marriage between Patrick De Reimer and a Lady of House Blackwell. His Majesty offers this out of an intent to ensure peace between the two kingdoms. He does not expect the crown to pass to the Blackwell line within the next generation however." "Ah. This is the fun one, isn't it." Eli gazed across at Lana, and let a silence weigh upon him. This was something he actually needed to think about. If he agreed to this, he would be sentencing one of his sisters to leave their home and marry someone they'd never have met and someone Eli only had a grudging knowledge on. If he were to weigh his sisters evenly, the obvious choice would be to pick Naomi. She was the least beneficial to the house and would be the most worth-while to marry off due to her youth. However, even Eli was not capable of completely disconnecting his feelings for his sisters from this dealing- not with any ease, at the very least. And as he thought about Naomi a protectiveness clung to his sensibilities and swayed him. Then he thought to Beatrice and instantly wrote her off, she would likely kill the man in their bed on their wedding night if he tried to touch her. Then he went to Drevala and hesitated. Drevala was, arguably, the sister he favored the most, Naomi disregarded in this argument, and he was hesitant to sign her off to this without addressing her. That pulled him back to reality now, and he looked down at the rest of the deals he'd made. The rest of the deals he'd controlled. If he didn't accept this one, he'd risk losing the others due to compromising the tenets of the negotiation itself. This was the only position in this whole ordeal he couldn't find an unyielding, advantageous, position to bargain from. But he maintained his confidence and nodded once, assuring himself privately as well as registering what Lana said visibly. "Naomi Blackwell will marry Patrick De Reimer, their children will be wards of the Blackwell household, and the right for Naomi to leave Cawanor and visit Alenius will never be restricted so long as a Blackwell king sits its throne." Lana sensed that the tables were more even here, and barely contained her smugness at having gained an advantage. The feeling was fleeting however, as she remembered the angry girl from before, and what she was forcing upon her. Even more so, when she realized that Drevala could just as easily have been the one to suffer this fate. Regardless, she would press on. A success here might just redeem her other less favorable results. "I see no reason to restrict Naomi's travel, so long as she does consider Cawanor her home following the marriage, and spend at least some time there." She began, addressing the first point while simultaneously agreeing to it being Naomi. "However I will have to seek assurance that any children sent as wards are raised in a manner that meets with the requirements of both parents." Though she was too polite to say it, it was clear she was referencing the rumors of Giles' method of 'raising' his children. She was certain Duncan and Patrick would find such a method barbaric to say the least - indeed she herself considered it rather distasteful. "In addition, I suggest that only male children be sent to the Blackwell household as wards. Peace will be easier to ensure with Children on both sides of the divide." Her choice of males was not a random one. Males raised by Blackwell's would likely become powerful warriors and skilled leaders, but females, if the existing ones were any example, were likely to become too headstrong to be easily married off for the sake of diplomacy. They were more useful to Duncan if raised in the more traditional manner in Cawanor. "I assure you that there will be no members of the De Reimer family being stripped of their names and being sent into the world. That is a privelege that, thankfully, only we Blackwells are intended to possess." Eli's response to this was quick. "However, as wards, their education will be heavily up to the Blackwell King. That will satisfy Giles Blackwell and make him apt to relinquish his youngest daughter." Lana's expression when Eli spoke of the Blackwell's curious upbringing as a 'privilege' made it clear she was skeptical of it being a good thing, but she was satisfied with the assurance that any resulting children of the marriage would not be subjected to it. "This is acceptable." She began, putting quill to paper to begin recording the terms. "You are in agreeance with the stipulation that only male children will be wards?" She questioned, noting his lack of reply to this aspect. She was eager to conclude the negotiations, they had been long and intense. She had other plans for the limited time remaining to her in Alenius. Eli leans back in his chair and offers her an affirmative gesture. He was thankful for these negotiations to be over, but as he watched Lana write down their agreed upon terms, he felt a certain fading within himself- the exhiliration of control and danger was falling, leaving him with a stoic, businessminded, satisfaction of the ordeal. All things considered? He'd put his boot on the Imperial Concord's neck and dictated terms to them with only minor inconviniences to the Blackwell side of things arising. It was a very, very, good feeling. "That concludes our negotiations for the now, correct?" "It does." Lana replied, her tone neutral. She drained the rest of the water in her cup before continuing. "If I may, my Lord, it has been a long day and I would like to retire." She stood and moved slowly to the side of the table, though did not rush to the door. Her stance was that of one who was worn out from a long day, but her eyes held a mischievous twinkle that was not there previously. She was going to retire, but her night was not over yet. Eli nods to her as she rises. He reached out and took her glass into his hand, before stting it aside more neatly on his half of the table. He then sipped from his own cup and looked to her. The evening had worn on for some time. "Feel free to retire, my lady. Our business has been concluded. I rather enjoyed the discussion, thank you for not being boring." Amusement was in his voice now that the official business had been wrapped up. "Thank you my Lord. You have been a most gracious host in this time of uncertainty." She replied before making her way to the door. Once she had made it back to her room, she considered the likely ramifications of the deal. It was possible Duncan would be willing to understand, but she suspected he would more likely be angry at her for granting House Blackwell independence. She knew, from speaking with Eli, that there was no way they would've joined the Concord now, or ever. They were going to remain independent regardless, whether it was by being granted it officially or by fighting for it. In her eyes, it was better to have it be granted, and for the Concord to get something out of it, than to stubbornly refuse it and start another war over it. Regardless, history would now hold her up as the one to blame if the new Blackwell kingdom caused ill. [/hider] [hider= A Scandal To Remember] At first, she had been nervous. Worrying over her appearance like a schoolgirl before her first romantic encounter. But then she had remembered, that she was a Sorceress, and that men were simple. Even the great Eli Blackwell, as intelligent and perceptive as he was, was still merely a man. She reminded herself of her goals - secure a marriage with a prospective King. As dearly as she loved her friend, Aurelia was not reliable when it came to matters of the heart… Or sacrificing matters of the heart for the greater good - not that that seemed to be a requirement of the plan as yet. And so it was that she justified, in terms of her grand plan, the feelings she could not deny she felt when she looked at the Blackwell Lord. She changed quickly, though that was not hard when she was primarily clad in smoke and mirrors. Now, she would appear in a similar dress to the one she wore the previous night, though richer in color and more intricate in detail. Jewelery was at a minimum, and she let her hair flow freely down her back. It was clear at glance that she was no longer playing the part of the Nyhem noble, or the diplomat. She checked herself once more in the mirror, then made her way to the balcony with a skip in her step. She shifted effortlessly into one of her songbird forms, and glided the short distance around the castle to Eli’s balcony, shifting back and wrapping the illusions about her again simultaneously. “It would be a terrible waste not to spend the remainder of the night hidden away in our rooms.” She said by way of greeting. Gone was the wariness from earlier, now there was a playful note in her voice, and a sparkle in her eye. Eli watched Lana go, then set about the task of rewriting the terms of the negotiations formally. In elegant, flowing, script he wrote, and in formal language that such deals were often worded, but the nature of the agreements were not changed one bit. Then he set the document aside. That was a heavy final deal. He had married off his dearest sister for a deal. Objectively speaking, he felt satisfied. Emotionally speaking... He was going to drink tonight. And so, roughly twenty minutes after Eli had set himself to work with the intentions of inebriating himself, he heard a voice call to him. He wasn't drunk by any means, but he had succeeded in giving himself a slight warm fuzzy feeling, the point of barest intoxication. He was still in control of his faculties, he had just deadened his worry over Naomi considerably. He himself was still dressed finely, if, perhaps, a little more relaxed than during the negotiations. Thusly, seeing Lana, his first action was to swiftly correct his attire and rise up in a bit of a surprise. "My lady, I wasn't expecting you again tonight, but it is nice to see you." he said as he bowed to her, ever the gentleman. When he rose out of the bow he let his eyes move over her form, and this time she could read him more easily; her appearance was quite pleasing to him. "Please, just Lana." She replied. "No more formalities today." She smiled, slightly amused at his swift attempts to correct his clothing. He clearly valued his image, much as she did hers. "I thought after this long day, we might enjoy each others company and relax... I fly back to Nyhem tomorrow, we may not see each other again for some time." She stepped forward, still smiling, happy to see that he was appreciating her appearance, even as she did the same. Eli couldn't help but quirk a brow up at her words, and his smile slipped into a rather sly one. He gestured around the room, and nodded in acknowledgement of her request. "Make yourself comfortable then, Lana. You're welcome to what I have to offer." He then lifted a goblet up and drank from it, letting the spice of the wine offer him a brief solace from dialogue. "I think I'd rather enjoy having you as company this evening, if I may say so. You look very nice." It was a simple compliment, but he didn't feel like being elaborate at this moment. After he said it, he would finally stop fidgeting with his own attire and would simply try to relax and adopt a more casual demeanor. "Thank you." Lana replied, the slightest hint of crimson coloring her cheeks as she stepped forward. "You are rather handsome too..." She elegantly took a goblet from the table - the very same one that had so recently contained water, and cast a fleeting but expectant gaze towards Eli. She did not need wine for courage, but it would warm her and prevent any shivering - the temperature was beginning to drop and she had no reprieve from it. The crimson of Lana's cheeks brought a smirk to the young lord's lips. She was being terribly cute. He moved to fill her cup with wine once she lifted her goblet, though this wine was stronger than what he had let her have the other day. He had been drinking with the intentions of inebriation before she arrived, after all. "Did you have anything in mind for this night, Lana, or did you wish to leave your intentions to my imagination?" There was considerable amusement in his voice, and his eyes twinkled with mischief. He set the bottle of wine down and kept his eyes on her, but after a few seconds seemed to finally tear his gaze away, and he licked his lips. He disguised this 'tearing of his gaze' behind a brief eye-rubbing period, but once it was complete he returned his attention to Lana and she, once more, had his full attention. Between the wine and the knowledge she was likely clad in illusion, Eli was trying not to think too hard and thus see through her illusion, but also just enjoyed looking at her which his slight 'buzz', as it were, allowed him to enjoy. Lana raised the goblet to her lips gripping it with both hands while meeting his gaze with her own. He really was a dashing, handsome man. She was expecting the same flavor as the first time, not realizing Eli had picked a stronger bottle this night. She tried very hard not to grimace and make a face as the spicy liquid burned its way down her throat. It was far stronger than she had imagined. Her cheeks - being only slightly rosy before, now burned crimson as she looked away. It took a moment for her to regain her composure, but once she did she looked back and spoke, her tone equally suggestive and curious. "What does your imagination suggest my intentions are?" Her tone played through Eli's mind and he closed the distance between them, now well within her personal space. He lifted a hand and, between a thumb and forefinger, gently lifted her chin so he could stare down at her face. "If I'm being honest, my imagination..." He still had that smirk of mischief. "...Is wondering what your lips taste like with that fire you just drank behind them, Lana." The man was interested, and his pride didn't allow him to be anything less than direct or confident in his approach to the situation. Perhaps the fact she could set him on fire with a thought would caution other men from such forwardness, but Eli Blackwell has danced with dragons and their fire- surely fancying this woman couldn't be as dangerous as that. No words were said in reply. Lana simply stood on her toes, maintaining balance with the grace of a dancer, and tenderly kissed him. She did not rush, savoring the moment and sensation. A small part of her mind was happy that everything was going as planned, but she payed little heed to it now. Now only her personal, immediate desires concerned her. After a long moment she stepped back and ran her hands slowly down her body, dispelling the illusions covering her as she went. She stood for a moment, then stepped forward again, this time closer still, looking up at him. The desire in her eyes spoke of her intentions far more clearly than any words. Eli met her lips with his, planting a kiss on her lips that he was happy to hold for as long as she was. His fingers, holding her chin, loosened slightly and he let his hand caress her cheek, before pulling his hand away as she backed up, a more...masculine...smirk on his face. He didn't mind how this evening was going one bit. Once her illusions fell away, he shut his eyes for just a moment, before suddenly wrapping his strong arms around her waist and lifting her up by her hips, pulling her to him, and kissing her once more. A much more 'needy' kiss, this one. A few seconds after kissing her again, his feet began to move, and he carried her over to his bed- which he pressed her down into, still holding her by her hips. "I don't think we'll be getting much rest tonight." He whispered into her ear, breaking the kiss for a moment to get these words out. As she was lifted by firm hands, Lana threw her arms around his neck for support and returned his kiss, just as hungrily. She did not fight as she was carried to the bed and pressed into it, simply unwrapping her arms. The loss of control was as much an exhilaration as the thought of what would come next. She clawed at his clothes with her hands, eager to see him stripped as she was. She just giggled at his comment, pulling him back into the kiss. She would enjoy this night very much. [/hider] [hider= Lana's Departure || The Morning of Many Gifts] [i]Early The Next Morning[/i] Lana drifted slowly back to wakefulness, becoming aware bit by bit of the source of great warmth so close to her. She wondered, sleepily, before opening her eyes, if she had left the curtains open and the sun was streaming in to lick at her skin. That idea was quickly dashed as her sense of touch weighed in on the curiosity, and she realized that the warmth came from skin - in contact with her own. It was then she remembered the events of the previous night, and a smile curled her lips as she opened her eyes. For a moment, she simply enjoyed the closeness of Eli's body - a sensation she had not felt like this in a long time. When the moment was over, she disentangled herself, slowly and gently, from his still sleeping form, doing her best to avoid waking him. She wanted to be back in her room before any servant tried to check in on her. News could not escape that she had slept with the Lord Blackwell on the same night she had negotiated the treaty securing Blackwell independence. Stirring. There was movement. Movement was an incredibly foreign sensation, and as Lana tried to pull away, Eli's arms wrapped around her- a bit tightly, at that. But then his arms loosened and his eyes opened, and he gazed at the woman in his arms. He slowly sat up in the bed, and wrapped the blankets about her as he did so. "Good morning." He offered her softly, leaning in and claiming another kiss for himself. "Have to go so soon?" He asked with a soft chuckle, rising up and pulling away from her. He tied a morning robe about himself, and let his gaze linger on the beautiful woman in his bed. Though she felt a small sense of urgency, Lana enjoyed the kiss all the same. "Can you imagine the scandal if a servant were to see us?" She replied, her tone light and near that of a jest, despite the severity of what she was suggesting. She slid out of the bed and stood, not worried about covering her body. She was happy to let him drink the sight of her in as much as he liked. She would be shape shifting soon anyway, and didn't feel like picking out an illusion when she was just going to put her travel attire on as soon as she returned to her room. His eyes slid over her form slowly, and a pleased twinkle filled his eyes. "I have something I wish to give you. A gift, to a woman I find quite beautiful." His confident steps carried him to the table they had sat at the night before, and he picked up, from its surface, the black sheathed dagger he placed there the night before. He then returned to Lana and gently lifted her hand, placed it into her palm, then closed her hand around it. "This knife is made of dragon's talon, Lana. It is worth much gold, and can pierce any armor made by man. I want you to have it so you might have something of mine to keep you safe in these dark times to come." Lana felt mild and pleasant surprise at the mention of a gift - Eli living up to his noble heart once more. When he placed a dagger into her hand though, she felt a rather sharp and complex slew of emotions run through her breast. On the one hand, it was a precious gift, and she knew the Blackwell's placed importance on the martial. From him, this was a very meaningful gesture. On an intellectual level, she knew that. On the other hand this was a despicable tool of death - of the same sort that had ended many a mages life prematurely. It represented death, waste and a willingness to continue those things. It was a pointed reminder that Eli was mundane - not knowing the pleasure of truly bending the world to his will... or of the fear, hate and misunderstanding directed towards one because of the way they were born. It was everything she despised, everything she sought to end. She tried... And failed, to suppress a grimace, contorting her features in disgust. To hide her reaction from Eli, she turned her head, letting her hair fall across her face. Just to be sure, she also cast a subtle illusion to blur her face, it would appear as simple trick of the light behind the amber locks of her hair. She desperately wanted to avoid hurting him, and hated herself for hating this gift so much. To buy herself time to get her feelings under control, she focused on his words to keep you safe. She stepped back, turning her face back towards him, an expression undeniably of reveling in power on her face. She raised her arms, the weapon still in hand, palms just above her shoulders facing the ceiling, and began to summon magical flames in her hands, extending them down her upper torso, but never letting them touch either the dagger or her skin. "I am quite safe." She said, a smirk on her face and an other worldly tone to her voice as she put on the display of her power, letting the fires burn for a moment before extinguishing them all at once. Eli's eyes watched her intently as he placed the dagger in her hand. Her head turned away, and he filed a mental note of that away. She was not overly fond of the gift, but as she stepped back he couldn't help but offer her his usual confident smile. "Fire." He said, his voice a chuckle. "It seems you are very safe, Lana. Forgive me for ever doubting that. Some men, though, don't fear fire. And, then, some are quite fond." And as if to prove his point he stepped close, reached through the flame, and slid his hand to caress her cheek fondly. He'd been in dragon's fire, or at least near enough to matter. "You know, tis Alenius tradition to get married wreathed in flames. You almost seem to be a bride like that." He said as the flames faded, and then he stepped close and kissed her again. A deep kiss, pulling her mouth to his. And then he stepped back, gave her space once more. She couldn't help but be impressed by his lack of fear. No Mundane would reach through mage fire, no matter how beautiful the prize behind it. She allowed him to kiss her again, taking solace in the intimate gesture. He didn't realize her feelings around physical conflict. He didn't mean to hurt her with the gift. As he stepped back, a small smile came back to her face. "Are you offering to make me a bride?" She jested, now taking the dagger in both hands. She would accept the gift, despite her feelings, for his sake. "That is an interesting thought, now isn't it? Misses Lanaya Blackwell. It does sound very nice to me." He smirks at her. "Think on it, why don't you. I certainly will." He then looks away from Lana, for the first time since they awoke, and towards Mary. He moved to the bird and gently touched her feathers. "Drevala will be here soon, then she will likely pay you a visit. Do keep in touch with me Lana, I fear you've made me into an admirer." Lana laughed, a musical sound, and turned, walking towards the balcony. "I will." She said over her shoulder, not specifying what she was replying to. Placing the dagger on the balcony, she shifted into one of the more powerful birds in her repertoire, and once the spell was complete, gripped the weapon in her talons before taking off. It was faster that way - the spell to shift with matter was more energy and time intensive. Once back in her room, she shifted back and cast the dagger aside, on the bed, which she ruffled a little to make it appear as though she had used it. After all, servants noticed much, and talked even more. Following that, she began to put the clothes she had arrived in on. She took her time now though, no longer in a hurry, and not eager to begin the complex shifting spell she would need to get home.... Just a few moments after Lana finished fixing up her room and began getting dressed, a flapping of wings alerted her to a bird's presence on her balcony, then a few moments later the bird stepped down and shifted into the familiar form of Drevala. However, strange enough, Drevala was fully clothed and carried a large, leather-bound, book in her hands. She smiled brightly to the dressing Lanaya and performed a half-bow-half-curtsy, before stepping into the room proper. "Lana, I just had to see you once more before you left." "Of course." Lana replied, a note of happiness in her voice as she turned to look at her friend. She was being very formal, and had shape shifted fully clothed. Drevala didn't usually do that - and it immediately piqued Lana's curiosity. She didn't mention anything about the night spent with Eli, but she hadn't exactly hidden the dagger Eli gave her either. She wondered if Drevala would piece things together or assume it was simply a gift for her to take to Duncan. Drevala offered an even brighter smile as she studied Lana. "Caught you at the right time! Yes!" She laughed her musical laugh and gazed down at the book in her hands, somewhat lengthily. After a moment she offered the nondescript leather-bound book to Lana. "I want you to have this. This... This is my life's work, my entire study on dragons." She gave a more wistful smile at this, then cleared her throat to express the intent to explain further. "You're risking your cause with me, so I'm going to trust mine with you. If I die, you'll be the only one who can appreciate and utilize this research. And seeing as I'll be in a war, the chances of me dying do exist, however slim that may be." She teased this last sentence, alleviating some of the seriousness in her voice. "But you mustn't open it [u]unless[/u] you hear of my death, because within these pages are detailed everything I know about dragons- including their [I]weaknesses[/I]." The last word was said very pointedly, and she allowed a brief moment of seriousness to cross her expression. "But if I don't die..." the cheery tone returns. "I'll come get it back from you, mmkay?" "Drevala I... This is..." Lana was genuinely shocked, and lacking for words, quite the rare occasion. If she took this, it would mean much - a significant bond of trust, but it would also have to be protected. For Drevala's safety, and the world at large. She took a moment to compose herself, continuing to dress as she did so. "Are you sure? Nyhem may not be the safest place for this..." Drevala giggled. "I need it in someome I trust's hands. You're the best one I could count on. If I die, I need someone who respects this information to have it. Other shifters may abuse it. Others may use it to hunt the creatures unecessarily. I need it safe, and if I die and it's left here who knows what will become of it?" A smile returned to Lana's face then, she couldn't help it with Drevala's levity. "In that case, thank you." She took the book in her hands. "you are a dear friend Drevala. I will keep it safe." She looked at the cover for a moment, wondering what secrets it might contain. Not for her to know. She placed it on the bed beside the dagger then, and turned back to her friend, placing her hands on the other woman's shoulders, a more worried, severe look on her face. "But you really must not die. I would be beside myself if you did." Drevala gave a downright playful smirk. "Death's a good friend of my father's, he won't take me any time soon. Don't you worry. I'll only die if there's nobody left for me to protect- so long as there's someone in my heart I'll crawl out my grave to make sure they're okay. So you better stay safe yourself, because you're in my heart too." She winked, ever playful, and began to back off. Lana laughed as she replied "That's reassuring to hear..." When Drevala began to back away she said slyly "Where do you think you're off to? Once I'm dressed you can help me with the spell to carry all these things with me through the shift." She had ended up with quite a few extra items she hadn't planned on having to bring back, and it was always easier to cast complex spells with two mages present. Drevala paused. This pause betrayed a flicker of her gaze moving over Lana, then to the things on the bed. "Oh. That's an interesting knife you have there. Brother said he didn't end up giving it to Duncan, so...you have it! When's the wedding?" She laughed, this one a bit more forced, as she moved closer once more. Lana laughed heartily when her friend made the comment. Drevala always was an observant one. "There is no date yet..." She began. "But I do intend to marry him. Isn't that wonderful Drevala?" Her voice had taken on a sudden enthusiastic note as her feeling spilled over when she spoke the words aloud. "Or maybe I should call you sister-to-be?" She giggled "It makes me very happy to be your sister, Lana, so feel free to address me that way." Drevala's giggle was genuine once more, and she placed her hands on her hips, in an ever adolescent gesture of sass. "But no date? Awww, how am I supposed to torture the poor man? I suppose I'll have to wait for him to be all official about it, as usual. Ooo. That means you're Beatrice and Naomi's sister-to-be as well, Lana~" She grinned at that, rolling her eyes. Lana was somewhat less enthused about that idea... Especially Naomi, after their rather unpleasant meeting. She was sure Naomi would be equally unhappy about the prospect too. Beatrice was a simpleton too, but one not prone to involving herself where she was not wanted, and so Lana worried less over her. She took on a more serious tone then. "Alas, there are political reasons why I cannot provide a date... And why it is likely I will have to wait some time yet before I can marry him. If it were to be known in Nyhem that I engaged in a relationship with the Lord Blackwell even as I was sent to negotiate with him, doubt may be cast on the treaty, or my loyalties. I dare not risk Duncan's wrath." She purposefully avoided going into detail - she knew Drevala didn't like politics. "Suffice it to say you cannot tell anyone of my relationship with Eli." "C-Can I at least discuss it with Eli?" she asked, wilting considerably. Lana's expression became one of remorse and concern - she did not take pleasure in destroying Drevala's enthusiasm. "Of course you can, he knows my feelings for him." She sighed then, and musing, continued. "Were it not for this accursed war, I would spend a month or more here, and eagerly announce my feelings to all." Drevala cheered up a bit at hearing her ability to chatter with her brother over this topic. "I would adore that, but it'll just get me sad to think of such a lost opportunity." the woman lifted a hand and ran it through her hair, the gesture certainly, Lana could now likely tell, a habit picked up from her brother. "So you need to get back and as much as I'd love to keep you here, your work is important. Let me help with the spell." Having just finished dressing, Lana quickly tied her hair and gathered her things. On her own it might've taken an hour or more to cast the spell needed to shift with her clothes, the papers from Duncan, the treaty, the Dagger and the Book, but with Drevala it would be far faster. "Thank you. Until we meet again sister." With that, she began to speak the words that would change her to a bird. Those words had an undeniable effect upon Drevala, who instantly had her features twisted into immense happiness and a touch of melancholy. But then she had her focus wrapped up in assisting with the spell, and once it was complete she would stand and gather her thoughts for a moment. "Farewell, sister." She called to the bird. [/hider] ============ Concise Terms of the Negotiations [hider= The Terms of Negotiation] [I]As written in the hand of the lord Eli Blackwell of Alenius[/I] First and formost, the independance of the lands under the lordship and demesne of those bearing the name of the Blackwell family shall not be under contest politically, militarily, or ideologically lest it be seen as a threat to the lands' independance and integrity. The independance of these lands and their sovereignty is furthermore acknowledged as legitimate in the eyes of the Gods, men, and kings of the Imperial Concord who sits upon the throne of Nyhem. As per negotiations, the lands of Akki and Glarmion are to be granted to the independant Blackwell Kingdoms demesne. These lands are to be acquired without assistance on the part of the Imperial Concord, but the claims upon these kingdoms is legitimate and acknowledged as thus by the Imperial Concord and its kings. A tithe is to be paid to the Imperial Concord for two years, on the part of the Blackwell Kingdoms. This tithe will amount to the sum of one tenth of the entirety of the demesne's yearly earnings and is not to be altered or negotiated beyond the current agreements. The two parties are to co-operate and collaborate whenever necessary to reach the mutually wanted conclusion of the downfall of the Manshrew claimant and household and, ultimately, the stabilization of Formaroth. An auxiliary force is to be mutually exchanged by the two parties, numbering at least one legion [one thousand] strong. The Imperial Concord and Blackwell Kingdoms may send commanders for these forces as they see fit. [i]The segment on discussing the price of armarments is initially penned with staggeringly high prices and offhand comments about mathematic formulae/functions and supply necessities during a war-time effort.[/i] A marriage is to be hosted in Alenius, under the customs of Alenius, in order to cement this alliance between the Imperial Concord and the Blackwell Kingdom. Those partaking in the wedding are Patrick De Reimer and Naomi Blackwell. As a part of this cementation of the alliance, Naomi Blackwell's travels are not to be restricted should she wish to travel to Alenius so long as a Blackwell King sits its throne. Any male children of this union are to be raised as wards in Alenius, whereas the female children may stay with their parents in Cawanor. This treaty is agreed to and signed by Eli Blackwell, heir and crown prince of Alenius, under the permission and authority of Giles Blackwell, King of Alenius. Death's No Stranger [/hider] Collaboration by Sundered Echo and PhoenixWhite