[@Caits] [quote]A bullet shooting through the air caused her to just about jump out of her skin. Three more in quick succession followed, and suddenly groups of walkers poured out of four houses. Sasha gave a cry, reaching for her gun, even as she stood in front of Grace, shaking slightly, her gaze whipped around, landing on a retreating figure. [/quote] Well first off what side of the road is Jacklyn on? If she is on the same side as the walkers then she couldn't possibly hit four houses on the sides of her. She could have opened one and possibly hit three depending on where she was standing. Secondly if she was on the other side of the street in order to hit all four houses. Ingrid would have seen her and killed her and that means I need to edit so as to show her death as well. And finally, It doesn't mean a bullet didn't go through him on it's way to the house. It just means that it hit the house too. I am not god modding. If you would like I can just go back and have him get bit or have a heart defect kill or a brain aneurysm kill him for no apparent reason at all.