That enticed Callie's curiosity, [color=fff200]"How is it an understatement for you?"[/color] she asked, relaxing slightly at his chuckle, the smile. There was just something about him that tugged at her. [color=fff200]"oh, um, I was just going to see if I could get something on a tab, until I can get my things out of my...groups house"[/color] she couldn't very well say coven, not around humans. [color=fff200]"um. I'm Callie"[/color] she said, hesitating, before looking to the girl behind the counter, [color=fff200]"ah, maybe just a muffin?"[/color] she blushed hating even the few dollars of having to owe someone, and a little upset over her exiled status from her coven, starting to get just a tad overwhelmed at thinking of what she was going to do now.