[@Drai] [@Eviledd1984] [@Alisdragon911] A soft, golden glow slowly enveloped Hardwick's body as the healing magic slowly worked to mend his shattered bones and beaten organs. The sticky crimson trickle of blood ceased to flow from his mouth, and despite his unconscious state those that looked on noticed a slight flutter of his eyelids and several weak, shallow breaths in an irregular rhythm. But it was the light coming [i]from[/i] Hardwick that caught most of their attention. Streams of light ran across his body in grotesque, non-Euclidian patterns, the colours oscillating wildy between hues scarcely describable by conventional language. The rivulets of light seemed drawn to two symbols which recurred across his body: The first, a small image of what appeared to be a tree branch. The second was a warped, five pointed star containing the image of a human eye. The healing glow began to falter, and the onlookers began to hear whispers, dark secrets of long dead cities and ancient, forgotten Gods from beyond the boundaries of space and time. The knowledge was maddening, yet the temptation to give into the whispers and to drink deeply from the font of forbidden, Eldritch Knowledge of was an incredible force almost too hard to ignore. With a blinding burst, both healer and horror had their lights extinguished. Although now much further from the brink of Death, it seemed that holy magic would only take Hardwick's recovery so far; the rest of the journey would require the assistance of less magical means.