[h2][center][color=slategray]Ryu[/color][/center][/h2] [i]Ouch...ignored flat out the bat. Oh well, I'm not really that interesting anyway in comparison to the others.[/i] Ryu shrugs as the magic girl flat out ignored him as he passes by the others still having a talk. He looks at them for a moment with the plastic, then watches as they all go over to see a sort of job board. Ryu does his best to look over the others but just takes a quick peek before heading back to the lounge area to rest for a bit and wonders to do for weapons considering the fact he can't or really prefers to use the machetes or the other equipment besides the knives at the table. He was about to go over and check it out but in the end decides to turn on the tv to see what was going on. He was about to watch some good action spy movie thing on the tv and kicks his feet up on the table until...an [b][color=red]ALERT[/color][/b] starts flashing across the large tv. It automatically switches Inputs to the 3rd Input which had multiple camera views of the street entrance of where they all entered through the shipyard. There seemed to be a few gangsters trying to escape if not take out a few cops in a firefight, both parties using cars as cover. However, in the top right corner of the screen, there was a yellow marking stating: [color=yellow]HERO COMING! POLICE SENDING BACKUP![/color] [color=slategray]"Hey...you guys, think there may be some company up on ground level. Some gangsters seem to be getting into some trouble with the cops. Either side can be a handful, plus I don't recognize this new gang. Must be a new one that I wasn't able to get a hold of before...oh well. Anyone want to take care of it? I suggest Charlotte heads up to go prove herself...with a partner to go with of course. Just in case she tries to do anything [i]complicated[/i]."[/color] Up on the ground level, two new villains were relatively nearby the area...obviously able to hear the firefight and like Charlotte, had invites to the meeting but were late to it. The choices of the group are varied... [@pkken][@sharksama] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] [@FallenTrinity][@Cuccoruler][@Pirouette][@Weird Tales][@easy modo]