[@Alisdragon911] [@gohKamikaze] [@Eviledd1984] Still mildly flabbergasted at the sight around him, Gwevyl pulled back from the bar as he heard a lovely voice come from beside him. "Can I get you something to eat, or drink?" Ah, drink. Most possibly his favorite word of all the words he knew! He turned to see the lovely maiden standing beside him, and smiled broadly, his cheeks still rosey from the festivities he had before arriving. [color=f26522]"Why, o' course I'll have me a drink, me fair lass! Gimme the sweetest brew your fine establishment's got on tap! 'N' here, for your trouble,"[/color] the little man reached deep into his coinpurse and produced a few fresh coins, and placed them in the woman's dainty hands. He then turned a bit, witnessing a near miracle upon the floor as [@Drai] seemed to... glow from his hands, yet the rest of him was seemingly invelopped in a sort of darkness. The man on the floor looked as though he was getting better by the second! [color=f26522][i]What an odd place to drink,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, yet he knew that he already loved it!