[center][b][color=orange][h2]Azerus Jr[/h2][/color][/b] Atana mountain range [/center] [i][color=orange]24[/color][/I] Azerus was fresh off the train and enjoying that fresh mountain air. He had only been walking for a short time towards a poke stop when a small group of sharp and shiny red and black Pokemon scurried into a distant cave entrance. Azerus didn't get a very good look but his interest was piqued. Full of excitement and an eager curiosity he charged up the steep slope towards where he saw the pokemon disappear. It took longer than he planned, it was exhausting running up hill and his legs ached as he panted heavily. Nearing the entrance he had to stop to catch his breath. It was dark inside so once again he required the faint glow of his pokedex. As he slowly made his way into the cavern the air took a deep chill. The cold almost being enough to drive away the young unprepared trainer. Almost. There was the sound of scuffling in the dark. Azerus frantically spun around to see it but couldn't. What ever it was moved too fast. Azerus found himself at a fork in the passage. He was unsure which way to go when suddenly the silence was cut by a wailing cry of a distressed pokemon. "[b]Sphhheal[/b]" it moaned. The sounds echoing from the path on the left. Azerus ran blindly down that path and around the corner to find a small open cavern. It was so cold now his skin was starting to feel numb. The sheen of ice reflected off the floor. Cowering in the far corner was a fat round spheal, but it was not alone. It had cried because of the multiple sharp pointy pawniard clinging to it a slicing it up. The Spheal cried out again. Helpless and in pain. The pawniard were small but they seemed tough with all their blades. It was a Pokemon Azerus wouldn't mind having on his team. Drawing a pokeball from his belt he enlarged it and let out a sad sigh. 'What a waste.' He thought to himself as he aimed right between all the sharp blade pokemon. With a precision hit the pokeball zapped the spheal away from its attackers. It gave no struggle to escape and was content in its new ball. Azerus had apparently not only angered the little pawniard 'a but also the bisharp that led them. Dropping down behind Azerus the Sword Blade Pokémon blocked his exit and gave a merciless command. The pawniard's began to circle Azerus and in an instant his own Pokemon were at his side, ready for once again another outnumbered battle. [i][color=orange]"Get ready"[/color][/I] [hr]([i]Journey into Atana Caverns. Azerus caught a Spheal[/i]) [hr] [hider=Azerus][u]TP:[/u][indent][b]19[/b] +1 (post) +1 (league) [b]TP=21[/b][/indent][u]INVENTORY:[/u][List][*]pokeball x2 [*]broken electric guitar and case [*]one set of dirty clothes [*]one set of rags [*] [/list][u]POKEMON:[/u][list][*]Roggenrola-4, injured/tired [*]Rhyhorn-3, hurt/tired [*]Zubat-2, ok/tired [*]Spheal-1, hurt/energetic [*]empty [*]empty [/list][/hider]