Koda glanced back at Riley when he was hugged and in return he gave her a nod, when given the order to relax he turned and hugged Riley back before moving up to the holo-table with Gerard, but upon hearing Carly enter he looked back at her and motioned to his wrist and tapped it as if to say she was late. Moving back to the holo-pad he examined it closely and folded his arms. [color=9e0b0f]"Striker Commander, this seems to be a cloak and dagger Op. Why do we require the [i]Orion[/i]? From what I have heard, and not much, it seems to be a heavy class ship. Don't you think it'll turn a few heads?"[/color] Koda had to agree with Wulff on this one, it seemed a bit excessive unless they where planning something more. "[color=DarkCyan]I have several questions as well. What kind of terrain are we looking at, should we split the group in two for better coverage of the area, and what are we to do if Solares is captured, do you want us to move to eliminate [i][b]if[/b][/i] rescue is out of the question, I apologize of I sound rather cold on this Boss but I'm trying to take in possible scenarios that could take place.[/color] Koda said looking at Andromedai. Normally Koda would never voice something like that but it was something he needed to take into consideration, It was a question like this that could easily hurt reputation. But it also show he was willing to do something that others where not in-order to get the job done. [colour=6B8E23]"I have no questions, But if possible I would like Nessalla to Send me the latest basic medical forms for the strike team, recent injuries, and all that jazz, The standard procedure,"[/colour] Looking at his own datapad he pulled up everything that Carly would need to know about him when they where disbanded before whistling to get her attention then tossing the datapad to her "[color=DarkCyan]I'll need that back when your done with it[/color]" he said then turned and walked away from the holo-table and began to pace slightly as he thought. "[color=DarkCyan]Coveys are gonna pay for this[/color]" he mumbled to himself.