[b][color=F4A460]E'nasha Williams[/color][/b] ~ [i]Yarosmere?[/i][hr]E’nasha was starting to feel like her worries had been unfounded, until she let out a small noise of surprise as she found herself suddenly being pulled through a portal by a pair of seemingly disembodied hands. Whoever was doing this worked quickly, she didn’t even see the chaos beginning to break out back on the other side of the portal before she was pulled into the darkness. She landed hard on cold stone, too dizzy to make out anything around her besides the fact that there was indeed ground there. Whatever hands that had grabbed her let her go, and she tried to stand up only to decide to lie down instead. She felt like she might be sick, and closed her eyes to help block out the rest of the world spinning around in her vision. Vaguely, almost as if they were far, far away, she heard others come through the portal behind her and begin speaking, though she didn’t really catch any of the words. A sudden loud noise made her open her eyes and attempt to focus on what was going on again. She was glad to see that the spinning had stopped, though the rock wall separating her teammates from each other, and the look on Mar’s face, was altogether as equally unsettling as it was sobering. She thought about standing up again as she listened to what was being said now, but the clarity of her mind hadn’t yet undone the knot in her stomach. She definitely felt bad for the man who couldn’t keep himself together as well as she seemed to be. [quote]"Welcome to the Resistance. I'm Sahra, the leader of the non-militant side of it. The Sand Cobra leader is somewhere in the back, sulking because I wouldn't let him join the fight against Yolin to snag at least some of you. If you all can behave you can follow me and the two of us will explain everything to you. If not, these four gentleman will restrain you and we'll wait for you to cool off while we tend to our dead and wounded." "Well?"[/quote] By the end of Sahra’s little introduction, E’nasha had gotten herself to sit up all the way and finally took in the whole scene around them, but she wasn’t that eager to do anything other than just sit there quite yet. [color=F4A460]"ugh... I second his opinion right now."[/color] She made a motion to indicate the man who was still busy losing whatever was left of his lunch before wrapping her arms around her midsection and putting her forehead on her knees. [color=F4A460]"Can I have a couple minutes to make sure I don’t get like that? And Mar, Baulder… maybe do something other than glare at each other? What even happened just now?"[/color]