[CENTER][img]http://ddn.i.ntere.st/p/7788463/image[/img] [h1][u]The Meet[/u][/h1] [h2]Mission One[/h2] Interactions with [@cloudystar],[@sharksama], [@Barioth], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@Wasted Ink] and [@Pirouette] plus others (sorry if I forgot you)[/center] After his introduction of himself went unnoticed he simply "tch"ed and continued on, hoping Kingfish would help him. That was until Ghost mentioned something going on above ground, something involving gangsters? His curiosity was peeked and he made his way over to the tv. Gi's eyes widened when he saw who it was. [color=9e0b0f]"Shit! Tch.."[/color] With that he pivoted on his heels and dashed up to the ladder and began his climb. He was moving fast, even for climbing he moved in nearly a blur. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Dammit bud, you better be ok...'[/color][/i] he thought to him self before he made it to the [i]recruiting room[/i] and then up the second ladder that lead to the street. Gi pushed through the hatch and onto the street, rolling out of the way of a car just in the nick of time. Gi soon made it to his feet and dashed off, not even noticing that his buddy had walked passed him on the opposite side of the street before taking leave down a side alley, disappearing behind a door marked [i]MAINTENANCE ONLY[/i]. He ran down the street, passing driver after driver at high speeds until he reached the scene, dipping behind one of his buddy's cars as a bullet barely grazed his cheek. [i]Gi!? WHERE THE FUCK YOU BEEN![/i] Exclaimed a worried member of the his Yakuza group. [color=9e0b0f]"Been busy...That letter was no joke. I think I'm going to see if they're interested in joining us but for now-"[/color] He leaned to the side of the car towards the police, as he drew out one of his smaller bootknife blades from the sheath on his chest. [color=9e0b0f]"-I'm going to take car of them."[/color] In a moment his eyes spun red and he dashed out from behind the car and began his assault on the officers.