Callie listened to the interaction, wondering how strict this place was. At the landlady's comments, she blushed deeply, and wanted to hide. [color=fff200][color=fff200]"Can't promise anything, Ma'am"[/color][/color] Oh, good lord, where had that come from? She clamped her mouth shut, relieved when Caius led her away again. Oh, her mouth or actions where going to get her into serious trouble one day! [color=fff200]"No, no, its okay, I understand"[/color] She said, although she didn't. Why wouldn't she be allowed up otherwise? It didn't make sense to Callie, who had always lived simple. [color=fff200]"Did I really just say what I think I said?"[/color] She asked, glancing to him, but nervous, she glanced away again just as quick.