It was oddly satisfying to see him...shocked. Callie watched from the curtain of her hair as he strode towards her, seeming to take all decision from her as he kissed her, once more feeling that spark, jolting through her body, seeming to spark every nerve ending, warming her body. She felt her heart race, and she responded more than a little enthausastically, returning the kiss deeply, she moved in against him, merely, for the moment, letting her body do what it wanted. She wrapped her arms around him, effectively trying to have as little gap between them as possible, sure every part of her was heating up, and for a moment, she didn't know if she could stop, but then wondering if it mattered. She was well aware of the dangers of being in anyway shape or form associated with Vampires or Werewolves-there was always that chance you'd get bitten, But right then, she didn't care. [@Kyrisse]