As Khaz lent back in his seat in the...strange metal box, he seemed to be rather relaxed compared to everyone else around him. While the chance to further the cause of the Emperor and earn his praise was so close he could taste it, he reigned in his desire to spill the blood of the Emperor's enemies; They would be dealt with in time after all. Still, his hand seemed to softly glide along the flat of the sword across his lap, stroking it like it was a small and dangerous child. Between the drills and the exercises that seemed to have been designed to ensure that all those present were in an acceptable condition of health, Khaz had gone off on his own and gotten some of his fur dyed; There was now a large Aquila on both his back and chest, easy to see and recognize. Of course, he had also had the same symbols painted on his armor because it would be going over the top of his chest and back, but he hadn't had much to do with the time when he wasn't working with the rest of his herd anyway so it worked out nicely. Glancing to look at Marcus for a moment, Khaz snorted through his nose before chuckling with a surprising good humor. "[color=f26522]The Emperor fights against dark and xeno gods so that we may earn glory and valor by fighting and slaying their champions.[/color]" Taking a moment to look at each of his squad mates (and making a show of doing so, ensuring that they knew he was doing it), he smiled a little to himself as he finished "[color=f26522]In victory and death, we will not disappoint him.[/color]"